Testing a Restore Job


You can test a restore job without writing to media. Testing a restore job allows you to get a list of all files that will be restored without performing a restore job. The resulting information is based on the configured restore settings and filters. This procedure is applicable for Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh File System agents.


  1. Create a text file on the client that contains a list of all folders/directories to be included in the restore test. The purpose of this map file is to tell the system that you do not want these folders and any data contained within them to actually be restored. Use the following syntax:


    Note that a Windows-based path is used in the above example. The path portion of the syntax will vary by operating system.

  2. Follow the procedure to Restore Data Using a Map File and be sure to select the option to Restore Unmapped Files.

  3. After the test restore job has completed, you can find the list of files/objects that would have been restored in a text file called restore.out residing within a subfolder (corresponding to the Job ID Number) of the Job Results directory on the client.

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