Testing the Scan Phase of a Backup Job


Testing the scan phase of a backup job allows you to determine which files and objects will be backed up, the number of objects, the time taken for the scan phase, and other details. The resulting information is based on the configured backup options and filters. This procedure is applicable for all file system and file system-like agents.


  1. Configure the subclient content and filters as desired, in a test backup set.

  2. Run a full backup in such a way that it will fail after the scan phase has completed. One way to do this is to add a post-scan or pre-backup script, on the Subclient Properties (Pre/Post Process) tab, that will exit with an error (e.g., fail_post_scan.bat with the contents exit 1).

  3. The pending job information in the Job Controller window will provide the path of the collect file which contains a list of objects scanned for backup.

  4. Navigate to the collect file on the client to see the list of files and directories that would have been backed up.

  5. After viewing the scan results, kill the suspended job from the Job Controller by right-clicking the job and selecting Kill. Click Yes to confirm.

  6. Make any changes as needed to the content and filters configuration to achieve the desired set of files, and re-run the process.

  7. Once you are satisfied with the configuration, you can apply these changes to a subclient that is used in production and remove the post-scan or pre-backup script.

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