VM Operations Permissions

The following permissions are in the VM Operations group.

Clone VM

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Make a copy of a virtual machine.

Create VM Snapshot

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Create a snapshot backup of a virtual machine.

Delete VM

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Delete a virtual machine.

Delete VM Snapshot

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Delete snapshot backups of a virtual machine.

Edit VM

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Edit the settings for a virtual machine.

End User Access

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

CommCell/Client group/Client/Agent/Backup Set

  • Search CommCell domain for data related to the logged in user with permissions to the user on the associated object.

  • Perform Browse, Restore, and Delete Data operations with the Windows File System (ACLs based).

  • UNIX File System: Perform restores by impersonating users. For more information, see Restores Using End-User Permission.

Power OFF VM

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Power off a virtual machine.

Power ON VM

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Power on a virtual machine.

Refresh VM

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Refresh the connection to the hardware.

Renew VM

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Extend the life of a virtual machine to a specified date.

Revert VM Snapshot

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Virtual machines created using Web Console.

Revert a virtual machine to a previous snapshot backup.
