Cloud Assembly Summary

This document provides an overview about the Cloud Assembly and summarizes the details ranging from the information about the protected resources, the cost involved for protecting based on the policy chosen, and average recovery time, etc.

Cloud Connection Details

Cloud Connection details show information about

  1. Cloud Connection name - User-defined name for the Cloud Connection
  2. Cloud provider - Name of the cloud provider associated with the Cloud Connection
  3. Discovery status - Status about the discovery, it could be either SUCCESS/FAILURE
  4. Last sync - The latest discovery date, hovering-over would provide the exact time of the previous sync

Resources Details

Resource details comprise the following information,

  1. Total resources protected - Number of resources protected during protection
  2. Total resource types available - Number of resources types available in the Cloud Assembly
  3. Total storage protected - Overall disk space which is protected
  4. Total estimated cloud cost/Month - For GCP, Cloud cost estimation can be derived by providing the expected incremental data change rate percentage per day.

Primary Region

The resources from the primary region are assembled to be protected by this Cloud Assembly.

Recovery Regions

A list of recovery regions configured during the creation of Cloud Connection is displayed here. The protected Cloud Assembly can be recovered to any of the chosen recovery regions.

Actively Monitored SLOs

  1. Protection time (RPO) - Based on the policy chosen for protecting the Cloud Assembly
  2. Average recovery time - This is calculated based on the average recovery time of the last three successful completed recoveries of this Cloud Assembly

Policy Details

  1. Total policies - Total number of protection policies applied to the Cloud Assembly
  2. Active - Number of active protection policies applied to the Cloud Assembly
  3. Paused - Number of paused protection policies applied to the Cloud Assembly

Protection Options


  1. Protect boot disk only - Appranix provides an option to protect only the boot disk on a compute instance. Additional storage volumes attached to the compute instance will not be protected. It helps in cost reduction
  2. AMI visibility - Status of Amazon Machine Image(AMI) visibility for the AWS Cloud Connections. Creates an AMI automatically during protection for easy recovery on the AWS console

Recovery Options

"Create Recovery Simulation policy" (Only for AWS & GCP) and "Recover Now" are available on the Cloud Assembly summary page.

For more information on the "Create recovery simulation policy" link, Click Here

For more information on “Recover Now” link, Click Here
