Installing Commvault Packages in Kubernetes Using Helm

You can use Helm to install Commvault packages in Kubernetes.

For more information about Helm, see Helm Docs.


This feature is part of the Commvault Early Adopter program, and you need prior approval to implement it. For more information, see Early Adopter Program.

Before You Begin

Set up Helm in your environment. For more information, see Helm.

Features That Are Not Supported on Containers

  • CommServe LiveSync

  • Live browse


  • To add the repo, run the following command:

    helm repo add commvault

    If you added this repo earlier, run the helm repo update command to retrieve the latest versions of the packages.

  • To see the charts, run the following command:

    helm search repo commvault

    Values for different charts appear.

    To see detailed explanations of these files, run the following command:

    helm show values commvault/<chartname>

    Values can also be supplied using the --set command line parameter.

    To see the Docker hub repository for Commvault, see Commvault Docker Hub Repository.

Install Using --set Command

You can install Commvault packages by using the --set command line parameter.

  • To install the config chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install config commvault/config --set csOrGatewayHostName=cs.commvault.svc.cluster.local --set secret.user=installuser --set secret.password=password

    The config chart contains the config map for all of the Commvault component chart installs. You must always install the config chart prior to a new chart installation.

  • Install the CommServe chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install commserve commvault/commserve --set clientName=cs --set global.namespace=commvault --set global.image.tag={tagvalue}
  • To install the Web Server chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install webserver commvault/webserver --set clientName=ws --set global.namespace=commvault --set global.image.tag={tagvalue}
  • To install the Command Center chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install commandcenter commvault/commandcenter --set clientName=cc --set webserverName=ws --set global.namespace=commvault --set global.image.tag={tagvalue}
  • To install the MediaAgent chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install mediaagent commvault/mediaagent --set clientName=ma --set global.namespace=commvault --set global.image.tag={tagvalue}
  • To install the network gateway chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install networkgateway commvault/networkgateway --set clientName=nwg --set global.namespace=commvault --set global.image.tag={tagvalue}
  • To install the access node chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install accessnode commvault/accessnode --set clientName=accessnode --set global.namespace=commvault --set global.image.tag={tagvalue}
  • To uninstall a chart, run the following command:

    helm delete <chart-name>

Install Using Value Files

You can install Commvault packages by using value files.

To see detailed explanations of these files, run helm show values commvault/<chartname>. Values can also be supplied using the --set command line parameter.

  • To install the config chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install cvconfig commvault/config -f configvalues.yaml -f global.yaml

    The config chart contains the config map for all of the Commvault component chart installs. You must always install the config chart prior to a new chart installation.

  • Install the CommServe chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install commserve commvault/commserve -f csvalues.yaml -f global.yaml
  • To install the Web Server chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install webserver commvault/webserver -f webservervalues.yaml -f global.yaml
  • To install the Command Center chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install commandcenter commvault/commandcenter -f commandcentervalues.yaml -f global.yaml
  • To install the MediaAgent chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install mediaagent commvault/mediaagent -f mediaagentvalues.yaml -f global.yaml
  • To install the network gateway chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install networkgateway commvault/networkgateway -f networkgatewayvalues.yaml -f global.yaml
  • To install the access node chart, run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install accessnode commvault/accessnode -f accessnodevalues.yaml -f global.yaml
  • To uninstall a chart, run the following command:

    helm delete <chart-name>
