Recovery Group Options for Amazon

When you configure a recovery group for an Amazon destination, identify source VMs or instances, and then provide Amazon-specific values for replication operations to the destination site.

Content Options

  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the recovery group, or change the name.

  • Source hypervisor: Select the hypervisor for the source VMs.

    To create a new hypervisor, click Create new.

    When you edit an existing recovery group, you cannot change this value.

  • Contents: Click Add virtual machines, and then select the virtual machines that you want to to include in the recovery group.

Target Options

  • Recovery target: Select a previously defined recovery target. To create a new recovery target, click Create new. When you edit an existing recovery group, you cannot change this value.

    When the recovery target for replication operations uses an Amazon instance as the access node, you must provide guest instance credentials for each guest instance on the Override Options page.

    • Continuous: To configure a recovery group that keeps the source and destination machines continuously in sync, select this option.

    • Periodic: To configure a recovery group that keeps the source and destination machines in sync periodically (every few minutes, hours, or days), select this option, and then configure the frequency of replication operations.

      • Frequency: Select the frequency for replication operations. The default frequency is 4 hours.
  • Warm site recovery (Restore destination VM at the time of failover): Move this toggle key to the right to create a destination VM only during a failover.

Advanced Options

  • Disable replication after group creation: To disable replication operations after the creation of this recovery group, move this toggle key to the right.

    After the recovery group is created, when you are ready to start replication, go to the recovery group, click Manage content and on the Target tab, move the Disable replication after group created toggle key to the left.

  • Validate destination VM (Power ON and OFF): Select this option to verify that the destination VM is bootable by powering it on and then powering off. Changes resulting from the power on are not preserved. If guest tools are not installed on the source VM, validation is skipped even when this option is selected.

    If validation fails, the destination virtual machine reverts back to its last valid (bootable) state.

  • Unconditionally overwrite if VM already exists: Select this option to delete an existing virtual machine that has the same name and replace it with the restored VM.

  • Transport mode: Select the transport mode for VMware to AWS Periodic replication operations:

    • Automatic: Defaults to the best transport method for the recovery group.

    • Commvault HotAdd: Uses Commvault HotAdd for all restores to AWS when the access node and destination are in the same zone.

    • Amazon EBS direct: Uses EBS Direct API for cross-zone and cross-region Full VM and attach disk restores.

    • AWS VM Import/Export: Uses AWS Import/Export for cross-region VM conversions.


      Requires Windows guest credentials to be provided for HotAdd VM conversion (driver injection).

  • Failover delay between different priority machines (in mins): Enter a value in minutes to specify how long the failover or failback operation should wait between processing VMs that are assigned different priorities.

    This setting can be used to enable higher priority machines to start before processing the next set of machines.

  • Continue to next priority on failure: To continue failover or failback operations when a VM cannot be included in the operation, move this toggle key to the right.

    If you do not enable this option, the failover or failback operation stops when a VM cannot be processed successfully.

Customization Scripts Options

To configure options for pre and post failover and failback scripts, click the Actions menu, click Configure script, and then choose the script that you want to configure.


  • IAM role

  • SSM agent

Supported Scripts

  • Windows: Powershell

  • Linux: Shell scripts


  • Pre-failover script: This script is run on the source VM before failover.

  • Post-failover script: This script is run on the destination (recovery) VM after failover.

  • Pre-failback script: This is will run on the destination (recovery) VM before failback.

  • Post-failback script: This script is run on the source VM after failback.

To use sample scripts to validate VMs that run applications, see Scripts for Application Validation.

Script Options

  • Path type: Select UNC.

  • Path: Enter the location of the script file.

    • UNC Credentials: Enter credentials or use a set of saved credentials:

      • Enter credentials: To manually enter the user name and password for the UNC network, select this option.

        Username: Enter the user name for a user account that has permissions to access the network path for the script.

        Password: Enter the password for the user account.

      • Use saved credentials: To use a set of credentials that were previously saved for the UNC network, select this option.

        Credentials: Select a saved set of credentials.

        Add button Add button gray Command Center: Click this button and then enter and save a set of credentials.


        For UNC network path, the script output is saved in the source location. Commvault does not automatically delete output files. If the output files are not necessary after script execution, you may delete them.

Configure Priority

To configure the priority of a script, click the Actions menu, click Change priority, and specify the priority of the script. 1 is the highest priority.

Recovery Options

  • Storage: Select the storage pool to use as a recovery store for source data to replicate to the destination site.

  • Replicate using secondary copy: To replicate from a secondary copy, select this option.

    • Storage: Select the storage pool to use for secondary copies of source data to replicate to the destination site.

Override Options

  • Override virtual machines: To change the destination settings for a specific VM, move the toggle switch to the right, select a VM under Replication configuration, and then click Edit

    You can enter override settings for one VM at a time.

    Enter the following information:

    • Instance name: Enter the display name for the destination instance, or enter a prefix or suffix to apply to multiple instances.

      You can only change this value when adding a new instance or if the recovery group is a warm site.

    • Availability zone: Select the destination zone.

      You can only change this value when adding a new instance or if the recovery group is a warm site.

    • Network: Select a network interface for the destination instances.

      You can only change this value when adding a new instance or if the recovery group is a warm site.

    • Auto select security group: To specify a specific security group, move this toggle switch to the right and then, from the Security groups list, select a security group for the destination instances.

      You can only change this value when adding a new instance or if the recovery group is a warm site.

    • Auto select instance type: To specify a specific instance type, clear this selection and from the Instance type list, select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

      You can only change this value when adding a new instance or if the recovery group is a warm site.

    • Specify guest credentials (only used for replication from a non-Amazon hypervisor, when the recovery target uses an Amazon instance as the access node): Select this option to enable required drivers to be installed on the Amazon guest instance, and then provide values for the Computer name, User name, and Password boxes.
