Creating an Email Archiving App for the User Mailbox in an Hybrid Environment


Create the Email Archiving App. After, you will associate mailboxes with the Email Archiving App.

Before You Begin


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Exchange.

    The Exchange page appears.

  2. In the upper-right area of the page, click Add Exchange app.

    The Add Exchange app dialog box appears.

  3. Select Exchange mailbox (hybrid).

    The Add Exchange mailbox (hybrid) app tool appears.

  4. In the App Name box, enter a name for the application.

  5. From the Server plan list, select the plan that you want to use for the app backup settings, and then click Next.

    The Infrastructure settings tab appears.

  6. From the Index server list, select the index server you want to use for the app.

  7. From the Access nodes list, select the access nodes you want to use for backing up the app, and then click OK.

  8. For cleanup operations and ContentStore email viewer only: In the Recall service box, enter the URL for the recall server in the format

  9. Click Next.

    The Exchange Connection Settings tab appears.

  10. From the Office 365 cloud region list, select the region used for O365 operations.

  11. To protect on-premises Exchange servers, from the Exchange servers list, select the name of each Exchange server.

  12. In the EWS URL box, enter the Exchange Web Services URL in the format https://ExchangeServerFQDN/EWS/Exchange.asmx.

  13. Beside Azure app, click Add.

    The Add Azure app dialog box appears.

  14. Enter the following information, and then click Save:

    • In the Application ID box, enter the Azure application ID.

    • In the Application secret box, enter the Azure application secret.

    • In the Azure directory ID box, enter the Azure directory ID.

  15. Beside Exchange Service Accounts, click Add.

    The Add Exchange service accounts dialog box appears.

  16. Enter information for the Exchange service account that has Exchange administrative permissions, and then click Add:

    • Account type: Select the version of Exchange Server that is installed on the computer where the service account is hosted. For example, Exchange 2019.

    • Email address: Enter the email address associated with the service account.

    • User name: Enter the user name for the service account using the format domain\username.

    • Password and Confirm password: Enter the password associated with the user name for the service account.

  17. On the Exchange Connection Settings tab, click Finish.

    The Email Archiving App that you created appears. You can perform configuration tasks at the Email Archiving App level on this page.