Deploying a VMware File Recovery Enabler for Linux

A File Recovery Enabler for Linux (FREL) allows you to browse virtual machine data from a backup for the source virtual machine (VM). You can deploy a VMware FREL directly from the Command Center. Commvault uses its open virtual appliance (OVA) template to create a virtual machine that contains the File Recovery Enabler.

Before You Begin

For offline CommCell environments, to deploy a new VMware FREL or Linux access node, you must download the VMware image file (.OVA) and save it to a location on the access node. For instructions, see Configuring Deployment of the VMware Image in an Offline CommCell Environment.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. On the Hypervisors tab, click the hypervisor.

    The Hypervisor page appears.

  3. Select a hypervisor.

  4. On the Configuration tab, in the Options tile for File recovery enabler for linux, click the pencil icon, then click Deploy new FREL VM.

    The Edit file recovery window appears.

  5. Click Deploy new FREL VM.

    The Deploy File Recovery Enabler for Linux (FREL) wizard launches, and displays the VM name and location page.

  6. Enter a name for the virtual machine (for example, VM_LinuxFileRecoveryEnabler), select a location, and then click Next.

    The Compute Resource page appears.

  7. Select the destination compute resource for this operation, and then click Next.

    The Storage and network page appears.

  8. Configure the following:

    • Select the storage for the configuration and disk files: From the list, select the datastore.

    • Select virtual disk format: From the list, select the appropriate format for the virtual disk:

      • Thick provision eager zeroed

      • Thick provision lazy zeroed

      • Thin provision

    • Select destination network: From the list, select the network on the destination site.

    Click Next.

    The Customize template page appears.

  9. Configure the client:

    • Client name: Short name for the virtual machine (for example, VM_LinuxFileRecoveryEnabler).

    • Hostname: Host name or IP address for the client.

    • New password for "root": Password for the root user of the virtual machine.


      The use of the ampersand character (&) in the password for the root user account is not supported. If using an ampersand in the root password is an absolute requirement, you can change the password in the VMs guest OS after the successful deployment.

    • Confirm password: Reenter the password of root user of the virtual machine.


      When you configure the client, the firewall settings are automatically inherited from the associated client computer group. For more information, see Network Topologies.

    • Select server group: Name of the server group. Access nodes will be added to this server group and the group's network configuration will be used in the newly created access nodes.

    • Linux timezone: Available timezones.

    • Automatic OS updates: Move the toggle switch to the right to enable automatic OS updates. By default, automatic updates are applied daily for security updates.

  10. Configure the IP:

    The following fields need to be entered when the File Recovery Enabler is being deployed using a static IP address, or with DHCP if there is a possibility that the DHCP server in your environment provides incorrect or incomplete DNS information. The fields below override any DNS configuration that is obtained from the DHCP servers.

    • Use DHCP: Select this option or enter values for the Static IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway.

    • DNS Search Suffix: Identifiers for domains to be supported.

    • Nameserver 1: IP address for the primary name server.

    • Nameserver 2: IP address for the secondary name server.

  11. Configure the CommServe route:

    • CommServe or gateway hostname: Verify the gateway hostname or the IP address. Make changes, if required.
  12. Click Next.

    The Summary page appears.

  13. Review the summary, and click Submit.

Adding a Setting for a CommCell Entity

Updating the OS for Linux FREL Clients
