List of RPMs for HyperScale X Platform Version 2.2310

The following RPMs are included in this version:

RPM Issue
ca-certificates-2023.2.60_v7.0.306-72.el7_9.noarch.rpm - Update to CKBI 2.60_v7.0.306 from NSS 3.91
- Removing:
- # Certificate "Camerfirma Global Chambersign Root"
- # Certificate "Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA"
- # Certificate "OpenTrust Root CA G1"
- # Certificate "Swedish Government Root Authority v1"
- # Certificate "DigiNotar Root CA G2"
- # Certificate "Federal Common Policy CA"
- # Certificate "TC TrustCenter Universal CA III"
- # Certificate "CCA India 2007"
- # Certificate "ipsCA Global CA Root"
- # Certificate "ipsCA Main CA Root"
- # Certificate "Macao Post eSignTrust Root Certification Authority"
- # Certificate "InfoNotary CSP Root"
- # Certificate "DigiNotar Root CA"
- # Certificate "Root CA"
- # Certificate "GPKIRootCA"
- # Certificate "D-TRUST Qualified Root CA 1 2007:PN"
- # Certificate "TC TrustCenter Universal CA I"
- # Certificate "TC TrustCenter Universal CA II"
- # Certificate "TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA II"
- # Certificate "TC TrustCenter Class 4 CA II"
- # Certificate "TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayıcısı"
- # Certificate "CertRSA01"
- # Certificate "KISA RootCA 3"
- # Certificate "A-CERT ADVANCED"
- # Certificate "A-Trust-Qual-01"
- # Certificate "A-Trust-nQual-01"
- # Certificate "Serasa Certificate Authority II"
- # Certificate "TDC Internet"
- # Certificate "America Online Root Certification Authority 2"
- # Certificate "RSA Security Inc"
- # Certificate "Public Notary Root"
- # Certificate "Autoridade Certificadora Raiz Brasileira"
- # Certificate "Post.Trust Root CA"
- # Certificate " Secure Server Certification Authority"
- # Certificate "ePKI EV SSL Certification Authority - G1"
- Adding:
- # Certificate "DigiCert TLS ECC P384 Root G5"
- # Certificate "DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5"
- # Certificate "DigiCert SMIME ECC P384 Root G5"
- # Certificate "DigiCert SMIME RSA4096 Root G5"
- # Certificate "Certainly Root R1"
- # Certificate "Certainly Root E1"
- # Certificate "E-Tugra Global Root CA RSA v3"
- # Certificate "E-Tugra Global Root CA ECC v3"
- # Certificate "BJCA Global Root CA1"
- # Certificate "BJCA Global Root CA2"
- # Certificate "Symantec Enterprise Mobile Root for Microsoft"
- # Certificate "A-Trust-Root-05"
- # Certificate "ADOCA02"
- # Certificate "StartCom Certification Authority G2"
- # Certificate "ATHEX Root CA"
- # Certificate "EBG Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayıcısı"
- # Certificate "GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority"
- # Certificate "thawte Primary Root CA"
- # Certificate "VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5"
- # Certificate "America Online Root Certification Authority 1"
- # Certificate "Juur-SK"
- # Certificate "ComSign CA"
- # Certificate "ComSign Secured CA"
- # Certificate "ComSign Advanced Security CA"
- # Certificate "Global Chambersign Root"
- # Certificate "Sonera Class2 CA"
- # Certificate "VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3"
- # Certificate "VeriSign, Inc."
- # Certificate "GTE CyberTrust Global Root"
- # Certificate "Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA-1"
- # Certificate "Equifax"
- # Certificate "Class 1 Primary CA"
- # Certificate "Swiss Government Root CA III"
- # Certificate "Application CA G4 Root"
- # Certificate "SSC GDL CA Root A"
- # Certificate "GlobalSign Code Signing Root E45"
- # Certificate "GlobalSign Code Signing Root R45"
- # Certificate "Entrust Code Signing Root Certification Authority - CSBR1"
- hand merge the two 'GlobalSign ECC Root CA R4' certs together and the two 'AC RAIZ FNMT-RCM' certs together to keep p11kit from getting confused.
eap7-activemq-artemis-cli-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-commons-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-core-client-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-dto-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-hornetq-protocol-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-hqclient-protocol-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-jdbc-store-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-jms-client-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-jms-server-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-journal-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-ra-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-selector-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-server-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-service-extensions-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-activemq-artemis-tools-2.16.0-15.redhat_00049.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap
eap7-bouncycastle-mail-1.76.0-4.redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - needs rewrap
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- Clean Requires, add bcjmail
- Rebuild wrappers
- Rewrap the build.
- 1.62.0.redhat-00001
- 1.68.0.redhat-00005
- submitting re-wrap
- 1.67.0.redhat-00001
- 1.68.0.redhat-00001
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap for prod listing update in EAP 7.4
eap7-bouncycastle-pg-1.76.0-4.redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - needs rewrap
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- Clean Requires, add bcjmail
- Rebuild wrappers
- Rewrap the build.
- 1.62.0.redhat-00001
- 1.68.0.redhat-00005
- submitting re-wrap
- 1.67.0.redhat-00001
- 1.68.0.redhat-00001
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap for prod listing update in EAP 7.4
eap7-bouncycastle-pkix-1.76.0-4.redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - needs rewrap
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- Clean Requires, add bcjmail
- Rebuild wrappers
- Rewrap the build.
- 1.62.0.redhat-00001
- 1.68.0.redhat-00005
- submitting re-wrap
- 1.67.0.redhat-00001
- 1.68.0.redhat-00001
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap for prod listing update in EAP 7.4
eap7-bouncycastle-prov-1.76.0-4.redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - needs rewrap
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- Clean Requires, add bcjmail
- Rebuild wrappers
- Rewrap the build.
- 1.62.0.redhat-00001
- 1.68.0.redhat-00005
- submitting re-wrap
- 1.67.0.redhat-00001
- 1.68.0.redhat-00001
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- Built by CPaaS
- Rewrap for prod listing update in EAP 7.4
eap7-bouncycastle-util-1.76.0-4.redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - needs rewrap
- release
- remove javamail dependency
- upgrade to 1.60.0.redhat-00001
- Clean Requires, add bcjmail
- Rebuild wrappers
- Rewrap the build.
- Rewrap for 7.2.0
- upgrade to 1.56.0.redhat-2
Oracle digital signature
- 1.62.0.redhat-00001
- Built by CPaaS
- 1.67.0.redhat-00001
- Upgrade to 1.56.0.redhat-1
- Fix License (JBEAP-13468)
- Require full javamail as we don't have a JAR with just the api
- submitting re-wrap
- build to sign jars
- 1.65.0.redhat-00001
- build to sign jars
- Rewrap for prod listing update in EAP 7.4
- update JAR manifests
eap7-hal-console-3.3.19-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-hibernate-core-5.3.31-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-hibernate-entitymanager-5.3.31-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-hibernate-envers-5.3.31-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-hibernate-java8-5.3.31-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-ironjacamar-common-api-1.5.15-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-ironjacamar-common-impl-1.5.15-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-ironjacamar-common-spi-1.5.15-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-ironjacamar-core-api-1.5.15-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-ironjacamar-core-impl-1.5.15-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-ironjacamar-deployers-common-1.5.15-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-ironjacamar-jdbc-1.5.15-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-ironjacamar-validator-1.5.15-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-jboss-marshalling-2.0.13-2.SP1_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-jboss-marshalling-river-2.0.13-2.SP1_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-jboss-modules-1.12.2-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
eap7-jboss-server-migration-1.10.0-31.Final_redhat_00030.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-jboss-server-migration-cli-1.10.0-31.Final_redhat_00030.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-jboss-server-migration-core-1.10.0-31.Final_redhat_00030.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-jboss-xnio-base-3.8.10-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-mod_cluster-1.4.5-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-buffer-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-dns-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-haproxy-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-http-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-http2-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-memcache-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-mqtt-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-redis-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-smtp-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-socks-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-stomp-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-codec-xml-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-common-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-handler-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-handler-proxy-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-resolver-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-resolver-dns-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-resolver-dns-classes-macos-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-transport-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-transport-classes-epoll-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-transport-classes-kqueue-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.x86_64.rpm - Submit new wrapper
eap7-netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-transport-rxtx-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-transport-sctp-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-netty-transport-udt-4.1.94-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-atom-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-cdi-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-client-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-crypto-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-jackson-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-jackson2-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-jaxb-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-jaxrs-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-jettison-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-jose-jwt-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-jsapi-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-json-binding-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-json-p-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-multipart-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-rxjava2-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-spring-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-validator-provider-11-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-resteasy-yaml-provider-3.15.8-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-undertow-2.2.26-1.SP1_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-wildfly-7.4.13-8.GA_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
eap7-wildfly-elytron-1.15.20-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-wildfly-elytron-tool-1.15.20-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
eap7-wildfly-java-jdk8-7.4.13-8.GA_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
eap7-wildfly-modules-7.4.13-8.GA_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch.rpm - Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
- Built by CPaaS
ipmitool-1.8.18-11.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Add upstream ipmievd patch to check received msg id against expectation
Fixes problem where SEL response is not recognized correctly
when SEL request times out
Resolves: rhbz#2224569
kernel-3.10.0-1160.102.1.el7.x86_64.rpm - net/sched: cls_u32: Fix reference counter leak leading to overflow (Davide Caratti) [2225486] {CVE-2023-3609}
- NFSv4.1: fix handling of backchannel binding in BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION (Benjamin Coddington) [2219604]
- bnxt: count Tx drops (Jamie Bainbridge) [2175062]
- bnxt: make sure xmit_more + errors does not miss doorbells (Jamie Bainbridge) [2175062]
- netfilter: nf_tables: skip deactivated anonymous sets during lookups (Florian Westphal) [2196159] {CVE-2023-32233}
- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow SET_ID to refer to another table (Florian Westphal) [2196159]
- cifs: fix a buffer leak in smb2_query_symlink (Jay Shin) [2166706]
- kernfs: Improve kernfs_notify() poll notification latency (Ian Kent) [1703180]
- netfilter: nf_tables: prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval (Florian Westphal) [2221720] {CVE-2023-35001}
kernel-devel-3.10.0-1160.102.1.el7.x86_64.rpm - net/sched: cls_u32: Fix reference counter leak leading to overflow (Davide Caratti) [2225486] {CVE-2023-3609}
- NFSv4.1: fix handling of backchannel binding in BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION (Benjamin Coddington) [2219604]
- bnxt: count Tx drops (Jamie Bainbridge) [2175062]
- bnxt: make sure xmit_more + errors does not miss doorbells (Jamie Bainbridge) [2175062]
- netfilter: nf_tables: skip deactivated anonymous sets during lookups (Florian Westphal) [2196159] {CVE-2023-32233}
- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow SET_ID to refer to another table (Florian Westphal) [2196159]
- cifs: fix a buffer leak in smb2_query_symlink (Jay Shin) [2166706]
- kernfs: Improve kernfs_notify() poll notification latency (Ian Kent) [1703180]
- netfilter: nf_tables: prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval (Florian Westphal) [2221720] {CVE-2023-35001}
kernel-headers-3.10.0-1160.102.1.el7.x86_64.rpm - net/sched: cls_u32: Fix reference counter leak leading to overflow (Davide Caratti) [2225486] {CVE-2023-3609}
- NFSv4.1: fix handling of backchannel binding in BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION (Benjamin Coddington) [2219604]
- bnxt: count Tx drops (Jamie Bainbridge) [2175062]
- bnxt: make sure xmit_more + errors does not miss doorbells (Jamie Bainbridge) [2175062]
- netfilter: nf_tables: skip deactivated anonymous sets during lookups (Florian Westphal) [2196159] {CVE-2023-32233}
- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow SET_ID to refer to another table (Florian Westphal) [2196159]
- cifs: fix a buffer leak in smb2_query_symlink (Jay Shin) [2166706]
- kernfs: Improve kernfs_notify() poll notification latency (Ian Kent) [1703180]
- netfilter: nf_tables: prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval (Florian Westphal) [2221720] {CVE-2023-35001}
libssh2-1.8.0-4.el7_9.1.x86_64.rpm - fix use-of-uninitialized-value (CVE-2020-22218)
microcode_ctl-2.1-73.19.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Update Intel CPU microcode to microcode-20230516 release:
- Addition of 06-be-00/0x01 (ADL-N A0) microcode at revision 0x10;
- Addition of 06-9a-04/0x40 (AZB A0) microcode at revision 0x4;
- Update of 06-55-04/0xb7 (SKX-D/SP/W/X H0/M0/M1/U0) microcode (in
intel-06-55-04/intel-ucode/06-55-04) from revision 0x2006e05 up
to 0x2006f05;
- Update of 06-8c-01/0x80 (TGL-UP3/UP4 B1) microcode (in
intel-06-8c-01/intel-ucode/06-8c-01) from revision 0xa6 up to 0xaa;
- Update of 06-55-03/0x97 (SKX-SP B1) microcode from revision 0x1000161
up to 0x1000171;
- Update of 06-55-06/0xbf (CLX-SP B0) microcode from revision 0x4003303
up to 0x4003501;
- Update of 06-55-07/0xbf (CLX-SP/W/X B1/L1) microcode from revision
0x5003303 up to 0x5003501;
- Update of 06-55-0b/0xbf (CPX-SP A1) microcode from revision 0x7002503
up to 0x7002601;
- Update of 06-6a-06/0x87 (ICX-SP D0) microcode from revision 0xd000389
up to 0xd000390;
- Update of 06-6c-01/0x10 (ICL-D B0) microcode from revision 0x1000211
up to 0x1000230;
- Update of 06-7e-05/0x80 (ICL-U/Y D1) microcode from revision 0xb8
up to 0xba;
- Update of 06-8a-01/0x10 (LKF B2/B3) microcode from revision 0x32 up
to 0x33;
- Update of 06-8c-02/0xc2 (TGL-R C0) microcode from revision 0x28 up
to 0x2a;
- Update of 06-8d-01/0xc2 (TGL-H R0) microcode from revision 0x42 up
to 0x44;
- Update of 06-8e-09/0x10 (AML-Y 2+2 H0) microcode from revision 0xf0
up to 0xf2;
- Update of 06-8e-09/0xc0 (KBL-U/U 2+3e/Y H0/J1) microcode from revision
0xf0 up to 0xf2;
- Update of 06-8e-0a/0xc0 (CFL-U 4+3e D0, KBL-R Y0) microcode from
revision 0xf0 up to 0xf2;
- Update of 06-8e-0b/0xd0 (WHL-U W0) microcode from revision 0xf0 up
to 0xf2;
- Update of 06-8e-0c/0x94 (AML-Y 4+2 V0, CML-U 4+2 V0, WHL-U V0)
microcode from revision 0xf4 up to 0xf6;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x10 microcode from revision 0x2c000170 up to
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode from revision
0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x10 (SPR-HBM B1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from
revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x10 (SPR-HBM B3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from
revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x10 (SPR-HBM B1) microcode from revision
0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode from revision 0x2b000181
up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from
revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x10 (SPR-HBM B3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from
revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x10 (SPR-HBM B1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x10 microcode from revision 0x2c000170 up to
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode from revision 0x2b000181
up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x10 (SPR-HBM B3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-07) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-07) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-07) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode from revision
0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-07) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from
revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x10 (SPR-HBM B1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from
revision 0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x10 (SPR-HBM B3) microcode from revision
0x2c000170 up to 0x2c0001d1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode from revision
0x2b000181 up to 0x2b000461;
- Update of 06-9a-03/0x80 (ADL-P 6+8/U 9W L0/R0) microcode from revision
0x429 up to 0x42a;
- Update of 06-9a-04/0x80 (ADL-P 2+8 R0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-9a-03) from revision 0x429 up to 0x42a;
- Update of 06-9a-03/0x80 (ADL-P 6+8/U 9W L0/R0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-9a-04) from revision 0x429 up to 0x42a;
- Update of 06-9a-04/0x80 (ADL-P 2+8 R0) microcode from revision 0x429
up to 0x42a;
- Update of 06-9e-09/0x2a (KBL-G/H/S/X/Xeon E3 B0) microcode from
revision 0xf0 up to 0xf2;
- Update of 06-9e-0a/0x22 (CFL-H/S/Xeon E U0) microcode from revision
0xf0 up to 0xf2;
- Update of 06-9e-0b/0x02 (CFL-E/H/S B0) microcode from revision 0xf0
up to 0xf2;
- Update of 06-9e-0c/0x22 (CFL-H/S/Xeon E P0) microcode from revision
0xf0 up to 0xf2;
- Update of 06-9e-0d/0x22 (CFL-H/S/Xeon E R0) microcode from revision
0xf4 up to 0xf8;
- Update of 06-a5-02/0x20 (CML-H R1) microcode from revision 0xf4 up
to 0xf6;
- Update of 06-a5-03/0x22 (CML-S 6+2 G1) microcode from revision 0xf4
up to 0xf6;
- Update of 06-a5-05/0x22 (CML-S 10+2 Q0) microcode from revision 0xf4
up to 0xf6;
- Update of 06-a6-00/0x80 (CML-U 6+2 A0) microcode from revision 0xf4
up to 0xf6;
- Update of 06-a6-01/0x80 (CML-U 6+2 v2 K1) microcode from revision
0xf4 up to 0xf6;
- Update of 06-a7-01/0x02 (RKL-S B0) microcode from revision 0x57 up
to 0x58;
- Update of 06-b7-01/0x32 (RPL-S B0) microcode from revision 0x112 up
to 0x113;
- Update of 06-ba-02/0xc0 (RPL-H 6+8/P 6+8 J0) microcode from revision
0x410e up to 0x4112;
- Update of 06-ba-03/0xc0 (RPL-U 2+8 Q0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-ba-02) from revision 0x410e up to 0x4112;
- Update of 06-ba-02/0xc0 (RPL-H 6+8/P 6+8 J0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-ba-03) from revision 0x410e up to 0x4112;
- Update of 06-ba-03/0xc0 (RPL-U 2+8 Q0) microcode from revision 0x410e
up to 0x4112.
- Force locale to C in check_caveats, reload_microcode, and update_ucode.
- Cleanup the dangling symlinks in update_ucode.
- Avoid spurious find failures due to calls on directories that may not exist.
- Add support for the new, more correct, variant of dracut's default
$fw_dir path in
- Update Intel CPU microcode to microcode-20230808 release, addresses
CVE-2022-40982, CVE-2022-41804, CVE-2023-23908 (#2223994):
- Update of 06-55-04/0xb7 (SKX-D/SP/W/X H0/M0/M1/U0) microcode (in
intel-06-55-04/intel-ucode/06-55-04) from revision 0x2006f05 up
to 0x2007006;
- Update of 06-8c-01/0x80 (TGL-UP3/UP4 B1) microcode (in
intel-06-8c-01/intel-ucode/06-8c-01) from revision 0xaa up to 0xac;
- Update of 06-55-03/0x97 (SKX-SP B1) microcode from revision 0x1000171
up to 0x1000181;
- Update of 06-55-06/0xbf (CLX-SP B0) microcode from revision 0x4003501
up to 0x4003604;
- Update of 06-55-07/0xbf (CLX-SP/W/X B1/L1) microcode from revision
0x5003501 up to 0x5003604;
- Update of 06-55-0b/0xbf (CPX-SP A1) microcode from revision 0x7002601
up to 0x7002703;
- Update of 06-6a-06/0x87 (ICX-SP D0) microcode from revision 0xd000390
up to 0xd0003a5;
- Update of 06-7e-05/0x80 (ICL-U/Y D1) microcode from revision 0xba
up to 0xbc;
- Update of 06-8c-02/0xc2 (TGL-R C0) microcode from revision 0x2a up
to 0x2c;
- Update of 06-8d-01/0xc2 (TGL-H R0) microcode from revision 0x44 up
to 0x46;
- Update of 06-8e-09/0xc0 (KBL-U/U 2+3e/Y H0/J1) microcode from revision
0xf2 up to 0xf4;
- Update of 06-8e-09/0x10 (AML-Y 2+2 H0) microcode from revision 0xf2
up to 0xf4;
- Update of 06-8e-0a/0xc0 (CFL-U 4+3e D0, KBL-R Y0) microcode from
revision 0xf2 up to 0xf4;
- Update of 06-8e-0b/0xd0 (WHL-U W0) microcode from revision 0xf2 up
to 0xf4;
- Update of 06-8e-0c/0x94 (AML-Y 4+2 V0, CML-U 4+2 V0, WHL-U V0)
microcode from revision 0xf6 up to 0xf8;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x10 microcode from revision 0x2c0001d1 up to
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode from revision
0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x10 (SPR-HBM B1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from
revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x10 (SPR-HBM B3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-04) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from
revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x10 (SPR-HBM B1) microcode from revision
0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode from revision 0x2b000461
up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from
revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x10 (SPR-HBM B3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-05) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from
revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x10 (SPR-HBM B1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x10 microcode from revision 0x2c0001d1 up to
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode from revision 0x2b000461
up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x10 (SPR-HBM B3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-06) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-07) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-07) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-07) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode from revision
0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-07) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from
revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-04/0x87 (SPR-SP E0/S1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x10 (SPR-HBM B1) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-05/0x87 (SPR-SP E2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x10 microcode (in intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from
revision 0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-06/0x87 (SPR-SP E3) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-07/0x87 (SPR-SP E4/S2) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-8f-08) from revision 0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x10 (SPR-HBM B3) microcode from revision
0x2c0001d1 up to 0x2c000271;
- Update of 06-8f-08/0x87 (SPR-SP E5/S3) microcode from revision
0x2b000461 up to 0x2b0004b1;
- Update of 06-97-02/0x07 (ADL-HX/S 8+8 C0) microcode from revision
0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-97-05/0x07 (ADL-S 6+0 K0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-97-02) from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-bf-02/0x07 (ADL C0) microcode (in intel-ucode/06-97-02)
from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-bf-05/0x07 (ADL C0) microcode (in intel-ucode/06-97-02)
from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-97-02/0x07 (ADL-HX/S 8+8 C0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-97-05) from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-97-05/0x07 (ADL-S 6+0 K0) microcode from revision 0x2c
up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-bf-02/0x07 (ADL C0) microcode (in intel-ucode/06-97-05)
from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-bf-05/0x07 (ADL C0) microcode (in intel-ucode/06-97-05)
from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-9a-03/0x80 (ADL-P 6+8/U 9W L0/R0) microcode from revision
0x42a up to 0x42c;
- Update of 06-9a-04/0x80 (ADL-P 2+8 R0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-9a-03) from revision 0x42a up to 0x42c;
- Update of 06-9a-03/0x80 (ADL-P 6+8/U 9W L0/R0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-9a-04) from revision 0x42a up to 0x42c;
- Update of 06-9a-04/0x80 (ADL-P 2+8 R0) microcode from revision 0x42a
up to 0x42c;
- Update of 06-9e-09/0x2a (KBL-G/H/S/X/Xeon E3 B0) microcode from
revision 0xf2 up to 0xf4;
- Update of 06-9e-0a/0x22 (CFL-H/S/Xeon E U0) microcode from revision
0xf2 up to 0xf4;
- Update of 06-9e-0b/0x02 (CFL-E/H/S B0) microcode from revision 0xf2
up to 0xf4;
- Update of 06-9e-0c/0x22 (CFL-H/S/Xeon E P0) microcode from revision
0xf2 up to 0xf4;
- Update of 06-9e-0d/0x22 (CFL-H/S/Xeon E R0) microcode from revision
0xf8 up to 0xfa;
- Update of 06-a5-02/0x20 (CML-H R1) microcode from revision 0xf6 up
to 0xf8;
- Update of 06-a5-03/0x22 (CML-S 6+2 G1) microcode from revision 0xf6
up to 0xf8;
- Update of 06-a5-05/0x22 (CML-S 10+2 Q0) microcode from revision 0xf6
up to 0xf8;
- Update of 06-a6-00/0x80 (CML-U 6+2 A0) microcode from revision 0xf6
up to 0xf8;
- Update of 06-a6-01/0x80 (CML-U 6+2 v2 K1) microcode from revision
0xf6 up to 0xf8;
- Update of 06-a7-01/0x02 (RKL-S B0) microcode from revision 0x58 up
to 0x59;
- Update of 06-b7-01/0x32 (RPL-S B0) microcode from revision 0x113 up
to 0x119;
- Update of 06-97-02/0x07 (ADL-HX/S 8+8 C0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-bf-02) from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-97-05/0x07 (ADL-S 6+0 K0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-bf-02) from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-bf-02/0x07 (ADL C0) microcode from revision 0x2c up
to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-bf-05/0x07 (ADL C0) microcode (in intel-ucode/06-bf-02)
from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-97-02/0x07 (ADL-HX/S 8+8 C0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-bf-05) from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-97-05/0x07 (ADL-S 6+0 K0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-bf-05) from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-bf-02/0x07 (ADL C0) microcode (in intel-ucode/06-bf-05)
from revision 0x2c up to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-bf-05/0x07 (ADL C0) microcode from revision 0x2c up
to 0x2e;
- Update of 06-ba-02/0xe0 (RPL-H 6+8/P 6+8 J0) microcode from revision
0x4112 up to 0x4119 (old pf 0xc0);
- Update of 06-ba-03/0xe0 (RPL-U 2+8 Q0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-ba-02) from revision 0x4112 up to 0x4119 (old pf 0xc0);
- Update of 06-ba-02/0xe0 (RPL-H 6+8/P 6+8 J0) microcode (in
intel-ucode/06-ba-03) from revision 0x4112 up to 0x4119 (old pf 0xc0);
- Update of 06-ba-03/0xe0 (RPL-U 2+8 Q0) microcode from revision 0x4112
up to 0x4119 (old pf 0xc0);
- Update of 06-be-00/0x11 (ADL-N A0) microcode from revision 0x10 up
to 0x11 (old pf 0x1).
nspr-4.35.0-1.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Rebase to NSPR 4.35 for firefox 115
- Move from deprecate %patchN format
nss-3.90.0-2.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Rebase to NSS 3.90
- fix EMS bug
- disbale ECH
- fix gtests in spec file
- restore missing test case
nss-softokn-3.90.0-6.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Fix pbkdf indicators
- Fix double free issue when using dsa check files
- Rebase to NSS 3.90.
nss-softokn-freebl-3.90.0-6.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Fix pbkdf indicators
- Fix double free issue when using dsa check files
- Rebase to NSS 3.90.
nss-sysinit-3.90.0-2.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Rebase to NSS 3.90
- fix EMS bug
- disbale ECH
- fix gtests in spec file
- restore missing test case
nss-tools-3.90.0-2.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Rebase to NSS 3.90
- fix EMS bug
- disbale ECH
- fix gtests in spec file
- restore missing test case
nss-util-3.90.0-1.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - Rebase to NSS 3.90
- Replace deprecate %patchN syntax
python-perf-3.10.0-1160.102.1.el7.x86_64.rpm - net/sched: cls_u32: Fix reference counter leak leading to overflow (Davide Caratti) [2225486] {CVE-2023-3609}
- NFSv4.1: fix handling of backchannel binding in BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION (Benjamin Coddington) [2219604]
- bnxt: count Tx drops (Jamie Bainbridge) [2175062]
- bnxt: make sure xmit_more + errors does not miss doorbells (Jamie Bainbridge) [2175062]
- netfilter: nf_tables: skip deactivated anonymous sets during lookups (Florian Westphal) [2196159] {CVE-2023-32233}
- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow SET_ID to refer to another table (Florian Westphal) [2196159]
- cifs: fix a buffer leak in smb2_query_symlink (Jay Shin) [2166706]
- kernfs: Improve kernfs_notify() poll notification latency (Ian Kent) [1703180]
- netfilter: nf_tables: prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval (Florian Westphal) [2221720] {CVE-2023-35001}
python-syspurpose-1.24.53-1.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - 2229752: Fix D-Bus policy (
- 2229752: [1.24] Hotfix of D-Bus policy (
- Collect GCP Project information as cloud facts (
- Collect Azure Subscription ID as a cloud fact (#3285) (
- Stop requiring M2crypto (
- tests: make M2Crypto optional (
subscription-manager-1.24.53-1.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - 2229752: Fix D-Bus policy (
- 2229752: [1.24] Hotfix of D-Bus policy (
- Collect GCP Project information as cloud facts (
- Collect Azure Subscription ID as a cloud fact (#3285) (
- Stop requiring M2crypto (
- tests: make M2Crypto optional (
subscription-manager-rhsm-1.24.53-1.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - 2229752: Fix D-Bus policy (
- 2229752: [1.24] Hotfix of D-Bus policy (
- Collect GCP Project information as cloud facts (
- Collect Azure Subscription ID as a cloud fact (#3285) (
- Stop requiring M2crypto (
- tests: make M2Crypto optional (
subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates-1.24.53-1.el7_9.x86_64.rpm - 2229752: Fix D-Bus policy (
- 2229752: [1.24] Hotfix of D-Bus policy (
- Collect GCP Project information as cloud facts (
- Collect Azure Subscription ID as a cloud fact (#3285) (
- Stop requiring M2crypto (
- tests: make M2Crypto optional (
