Manually Creating the Head and Tail Storage Policies

To use a Linux access node for installing plug-ins, manually create the head (CVTBLRH) and tail (CVTBLRT) storage policies.

Create the Head Storage Policy (CVTBLRH)

  1. In the vSphere Client, open the Create VM Storage Policy wizard:

    1. ClickMenu >Policies and Profiles.

    2. UnderPolicies and Profiles, clickVM Storage Policies.

    3. ClickCreate.

  2. On the Name and description page, in the Name box, enter CVTBLRH.

  3. On the Policy structure page, under Host based services, select the Enable host based rules check box.

  4. On the Host based services page, do the following:

    1. On the Encryption and Storage I/O Control tabs, leave the options to their default settings.

    2. Go to the Replication tab, and do the following:

      1. Select Custom.

      2. From the Provider list, select cvtblrh.

  5. On the Storage compatibility page, review the details.

  6. On the Review and finish page, review the details, and then click Finish.

Create the Tail Storage Policy (CVTBLRT)

  1. In the vSphere Client, open the Create VM Storage Policy wizard.

    1. ClickMenu >Policies and Profiles.

    2. UnderPolicies and Profiles, clickVM Storage Policies.

    3. ClickCreate.

  2. On the Name and description page, in the Name box, enter CVTBLRT.

  3. On the Policy structure page, under Host based services, select the Enable host based rules check box.

  4. On the Host based services page, do the following:

    1. On the Encryption and Storage I/O Control tabs, leave the options to their default settings.

    2. Go to the Replication tab, select Disabled.

    3. On the Caching tab, do the following:

      1. Select Custom.

      2. From the Provider list, select cvtblrt.

  5. On the Storage compatibility page, review the details.

  6. On the Review and finish, review the details, and then click Finish.

To configure host based services (such as encryption and I/O control) in a VM storage policy, go to Create a VM Storage Policy for Host Based Data Services on the VMware documentation website.
