Objects Not Restored In-place Using the Active Directory Application

Due to a Microsoft limitation the following attributes are backed up but cannot be restored in-place. If the Update Privilege value is set by the system, then the attributes cannot be restored in-place. For example, the Bad-Password-Time attribute is not restored in-place as the Update Privilege value is set by the system. For more information on the available attributes and restoring a deleted active directory object, see All Attributes and Restore a Deleted Active Directory Object.

  • ObjectGUID

  • ObjectSid

  • PrimaryGroupID

  • BadPasswordTime

  • LastLogoff

  • LastLogon

  • PwdLastSet (only if adldaptool.exe was executed before the backup)

  • USNChanged

  • USNCreated

  • WhenChanged

  • WhenCreated

  • DistinguishedName

  • UserAccountControl

  • Delete Objects

  • rootDSE object

  • SID-History (only if adldaptool.exe was executed before the backup)
