Back up your IBM i file system data for disaster recovery.
For optimal DR backup size, do not create or include the following under QGPL, QSYS2, and QUSRSYS libraries:
Applied PTFs
Compiled programs
Image catalog
Journal or Journal receivers
OS related image catalog files
SAVF files
Spool output files
Adding these files and programs leads to additional DVD images.
Do not create any library starting with the letter 'Q'.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > File Servers.
The Overview page appears.
Go to the File servers tab, and then click the file server.
The IBM i server properties page appears.
On the Subclients tab, in the row for the DR subclient, click the action button
, and then click Backup.
The Backup dialog box appears.
For Backup options, select the DR backup type:
To resume the computer after the operation system is captured, click Resume (*STSSBS).
To use the reboot option, click Reboot (*IPL).
- To leave the computer in restricted state after the DR backup operation and initial program load (IPL) complete, select the Leave the system in restricted state check box.
To receive an Email when the backup operation completes, select the When the job completes, notify me via email check box.
Click Submit.
After the backup succeeds, the following data is backed up in the format of bootable optical volumes:
LIC - License internal code.
OS/400 Objects in QSYS
User profiles
Private authorities
SAVCFG (configuration objects)
*IBM Libraries (system libraries)
System libraries with user data: QSYS2, QGPL, QUSRSYS
Commvault Libraries: CVLIB, CVLIBOBJ
System files and Commvault files with logs