Setting the Throttling Policy


Applies to: User Mailbox

To manage the performance of your Exchange environment and to enforce connection bandwidth limits, set the throttling policy.

How you set the throttling policy depends on what version of Exchange Server you use.


  1. On each Exchange server with a Client Access Server (CAS) role:

    1. In Exchange Management Shell, run the following command:

      Set-OutlookAnywhere –identity "<Exchange Client Access Server name>\rpc (Default Web Site)" -InternalClientAuthenticationMethod ntlm

    2. In Windows, open the Command Prompt window, and then run IISRESET.

  2. In Windows, on the taskbar, click Start, and then click All Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server version_number.

  3. Click Exchange Management Shell.

  4. Run the following cmdlets based on the version of Exchange Server that you use:

    • Exchange 2013 or later:

      New-ThrottlingPolicy CVThrottlingPolicy
      Set-ThrottlingPolicy CVThrottlingPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency unlimited -RcaMaxBurst unlimited -RcaRechargeRate unlimited -RcaCutoffBalance unlimited –IsServiceAccount:$true

      Set-Mailbox <service account> -ThrottlingPolicy CVThrottlingPolicy

    • Exchange 2010:

      New-ThrottlingPolicy –name CVThrottlingPolicy
      Set-ThrottlingPolicy –identity CVThrottlingPolicy –RCAMaxConcurrency $null –RCAPercentTimeInAD $null –RCAPercentTimeInCAS $null –RCAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null

      Set-Mailbox –Identity <service account> –ThrottlingPolicy CVThrottlingPolicy


      service account is the Exchange Administrator Service Account.

  5. For the throttling policy to take effect immediately, restart the Exchange RPC service.