Validating a Drive


The drive validation process ensures that the drive is functioning properly by mounting a media, writing on the media, re-winding and seeking data and then reading back from the media.

It is recommended that a drive validation operation is performed after configuring the tape storage and before performing a data protection operation.

Drive validation can also be performed to check the throughput of the device. In addition, you can verify whether different tape block size is supported by the hardware and operating system, by performing a drive validation operation.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Storage >Tape.

    The Tape page appears.

  2. Click the tape_storage for which the drive has to be validated.

    The tape_storage page appears.

  3. Under the Drives section, for the associated drive that has to be validated, click the Actions button action_button and then click Validate.

    The Validate Drive dialog box is displayed.

  4. In the MediaAgent box, select the MediaAgent that must be used to perform the validation.

  5. In the Drive pool box, select the drive pool that must be used to perform the validation.

  6. In the Media box, select Any spare media to use any scratch available or can use drop down menu to select a specific spare media.

  7. in the Volume block size(KB) box, select the media bock size that must be used by the validation operation to write data on the media.

  8. In the Chunk size box, select the chunk size that must be used by the validation operation to create a block.

  9. In the Amount to Write options, choose one of the following options to write data chunks:

    • Select the Write chunks to end of media option to specify that the validation operation must write chunks to the end of the volume.

    • Select the Write the specific number of chunks option to specify that the validation operation must write only the specified number of chunks.

  10. Click OK.