VM Backup Health

The VM Backup Health report displays virtual machine SLA information.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Reports and then, under Backup Health, click VM Backup Health.

    The VM Backup Health report appears.

  2. At the top of the report, narrow down browse results using the following drop-down lists:

    • Company

    • Server Group

    • Hypervisors

    • SLA Days

    • Vendor

    • Options

    • Advanced Options

  3. The Hypervisor Status section shows the following information for each hypervisor:


    To show information related to file indexing, you must first select Include File Indexing Details from the Advanced Options drop-down list (see step 2, above).

    • Active Jobs

    • Associated VMs

    • Company

    • CommCell

    • Configured Access Node

    • File Indexing Enabled

    • File Indexing Enabled VMs Count. Number of VMs in which file indexing is enabled.

    • File Indexing Up to Date VMs

    • Hypervisor

    • Hypervisor Type

    • Last Failed JobID

    • Last Failed Job Time

    • No. of Readers

    • VMs Backed-up

    • VM Group

    • VMs Not Backed-up

  4. The Virtual Machines section shows the following information for each VM:


    To show information related to file indexing, you must first select Include File Indexing Details from the Advanced Options drop-down list (see step 2, above).

    • Backup Copy Failure Reason

    • Backupset

    • CommCell

    • Company

    • Failure Reason. If the last file indexing job for this VM failed, this column indicates the failure reason.

    • File Indexing Enabled. Indicates if file indexing is enabled.


      • This is shown if file indexing is enabled at the VM group level or VM level.

      • Only MSP admin users can enable file indexing at the VM group level. Tenant admin users can only enable file indexing at the VM level.

    • File Indexing Failure

    • Guest Size (GB) Hypervisor

    • Hypervisor Type

    • Is File Index up to Date. Indicates if the latest completed backup job is indexed.

    • Last Backup Copy Job ID

    • Last Backup Time

    • Last indexed recovery point. Recovery point time stamp of the last backup job that was indexed successfully.

    • Last Successful Snap Copied Job ID

    • Last Successful Snap Copied Job Time

    • Last Used Access node

    • Last VM Admin Job ID

    • Last VM Job ID

    • SLA Category

    • SLA Days

    • Snap Jobs Pending to be backup copied

    • VM

    • VM Group

    • VM Tools Status

    • VMs File Indexed. Number of VMs in which the latest backup job is successfully file indexed.
