To archive data on a NAS file server, add the file server.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Archiving.
The File Servers page appears.
In the upper-right corner of the page, click Add server.
The Add file server dialog box appears.
On the Add new server tab, from the Server Type list, select NAS.
In the Display name box, enter a name for the NAS file server.
In the Host name box, enter the fully qualified name or the IP address of the file server.
From the Vendor type list, select the vendor type of the file server.
To create an NDMP instance along with the file server, move the Array credentials toggle key to the right, and then enter the credentials.
In the Listen port box, you can enter a different port number.
For NetApp, the default port number is 10000. For the Celerra, the default port number is 5080.
For File sharing protocol, select the type of file share, NFS or CIFS.
From the Access nodes list, select the access nodes to use for the file server.
If the Viewing File Monitoring Information feature is enabled for Getting Started, then you cannot use the same access node as a proxy computer for archive operations for the same file server.
From the Plan list, select the archive plan to use for the file server.
In the Archive folder box, enter the path to the CIFS share or the NFS share.
On the Content tab, specify the content to archive.
Click Save.