Edit File Discovery Schedule Options


File Discovery, Archiving, and Migrating Data to Cloud is deprecated in this version. For more information about the Obsolescence Policy, see Obsolescence Policy.

Effective Release

11.21 (Version 11, Feature Release 21)


Instead of the File discovery feature, you can use the File Storage Optimization feature.

To archive your data using the Command Center, you can use Archiving Files.

The following options are available for scheduling your file discovery. Schedules determine when file discovery job runs on your file server.

  1. Type the name of your schedule in the Name box. You can also edit the default schedule.

  2. Use the one following options to specify the frequency of your file discovery jobs:

    • Daily

      Runs the file discovery job on a daily basis. Choose the start time. Under Repeat, you can set the following:

      • Every: The number of days between each file discovery job.

      • Repeat Every: The number of hours and minutes between each file discovery job.

      • until: If Repeat Every is defined, the end time for repeating the file discovery job.

      • Exceptions: Defines the days of the month to exclude from the schedule. For example, you can excludes the third Sunday of the month from the schedule.

    • Weekly

      Runs the file discovery job on a weekly basis. Choose the start time and the days of the week. Under Repeat, you can set the following:

      • Every: The number of weeks between each file discovery job.

      • Repeat Every: The number of hours and minutes between each file discovery job.

      • until: If Repeat Every is defined, the end time for repeating the file discovery job.

      • Exceptions: Defines the days of the month to exclude from the schedule. For example, you can excludes the third Sunday of the month from the schedule.

    • Monthly

      Runs a job on a monthly basis. Choose the start time and the day of the month. Under Repeat, you can set the following:

      • Every: The number of months between each file discovery job.

      • Repeat Every: The number of hours and minutes between each file discovery job.

      • until: If Repeat Every is defined, the end time for repeating the file discovery job.

      • Exceptions: Defines the days of the month to exclude from the schedule. For example, you can excludes the third Sunday of the month from the schedule.

  3. Click Save.
