Settings for the Health Report


How to Improve SLA

You can use the Health Report to assist you in improving the SLA for your CommCell. This report can help you to identify clients or subclients that need to be adjusted in order to produce a better SLA.


Laptop clients that are offline for more than 30 days are automatically excluded from the calculation of SLA.

Configure SLA Days

You can configure the time period over which SLA is calculated in the CommCell Console at the CommCell level or the Client Group level. For instructions, see:

No Schedule

If you see a subclient in the report that is marked No Schedule, you can correct this in the CommCell.

To detect No Schedule subclients:

  1. Generate the Health Report. For instructions, see View Report.

  2. Next to 30 day SLA, under Remarks, click View Details.

    A list of clients that did not meet the 30 day SLA appears.

  3. Under Reason, type No Schedule.


    All of the No Schedule subclients appear at the top of the report.

Once you determined which subclients are failing SLA because they are not scheduled to back up, you can do any of the following to correct this in the CommCell Console.

  • When you install the CommServe, a Windows File System iDataAgent is installed automatically. Many users do not require backups for this agent. Therefore, to avoid a No Schedule status, deconfigure the automatically installed Windows File System iDataAgent. For instructions, see Releasing a License (Deconfiguring).

  • Schedule backups for the subclient. For instructions on scheduling backups, see Scheduling a Backup.

  • If you intend to use an agent, then make sure that backup schedules are enabled for its subclients. For instructions on enabling job schedules, see Enabling or Disabling a Schedule.

  • If you do not intend to use an agent or subclient, then disable backup activities for it. For instructions on disabling activity at the agent or subclient level, see Enabling or Disabling CommCell Activities.

  • If you do not intend to use a client, then release its license. For instructions on releasing the license at the client level, see Releasing a License Without Removing the Software.

Exclude Clients from SLA and Strike Counts

If you do not want to deconfigure a client, you can exclude the client computer from the SLA percentage.

  1. In the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers, and then right-click the client that you want to exclude.

    The Client Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Client Properties dialog box appears.

  3. On the KPIs tab, click Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts, and then click OK.

  4. Click OK to close the Client Properties dialog box.

    The client is no longer included in the SLA percentage or Client Strike calculation.

Exclude Subclients from SLA and Strike Counts

You can exclude individual client computers from the SLA percentage and Client Strike calculation that appears on the Worldwide and CommCell Dashboards and in the SLA Report and Client Strike Count Report.

  1. In the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > Client > Agent > Backup Set, and then right-click the subclient that you want to exclude.

    The Subclient Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Go to the dialog box or tab where the option appears:

    • On the Activity Control tab, click Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts.

    • On the Advanced Options tab, click Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts.

    • Click Advanced, and in the Advanced Subclient Properties dialog box, on the Advanced Options tab, click Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts, then click OK.

  3. Click OK to close the Subclient Properties dialog box.

    The subclient is no longer included in the SLA percentage or Client Strike calculation.

No Job within SLA Period

If you see a subclient in the report that is marked No Job within SLA Period, you can correct this in the CommCell.

To detect No Job within SLA Period subclients:

  1. Generate the Health Report. For instructions, see View Report.

  2. Next to 30 day SLA, under Remarks, click View Details.

    A list of clients that did not meet the 30 day SLA appears.

  3. Under Reason, type No Job within SLA Period.


    All of the subclients marked as No Job within SLA Period appear at the top of the report.

If there are backups scheduled, but jobs did not run, then investigate why that might have happened.


If you see a subclient in the report that is marked Failed, you can determine why the subclient backups are failing, and then correct the settings in the CommCell.

To detect Failed subclients:

  1. Generate the Health Report. For instructions, see View Report.

  2. Next to 30 day SLA, under Remarks, click View Details.

    A list of clients that did not meet the 30 day SLA appears.

  3. Under Reason, type Failed.


    All of the subclients marked as Failed appear at the top of the report.

Once you determine which subclients are failing to back up, you can do any of the following to determine which settings to fix in the CommCell Console.

  • In the Clients did not meet 30 day SLA list, see the Last Job Status for the failed subclient. Investigate the associated settings in the CommCell to correct these failures. Failure types can include the following:

    • Killed: the job was killed by a user.

    • Completed with Errors: the job included files or folders that failed to back up.

  • Look up the Job ID in the Job Controller, and then view the error codes. For instructions on viewing error codes, see Viewing the Error Codes for a Job.

  • To investigate agent-specific failures, see the Troubleshooting pages for each agent in Books Online.