Specifying VM Provisioning Settings for Azure Access Nodes


Applies to: MSP admin, tenant admin

You can specify the settings that are used when access nodes for an Azure hypervisor are created—either manually by end users or by the Commvault software when auto-scaling access nodes.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

  2. Click the Hypervisors tab.

    A list of Hypervisors appears.

  3. Click the hypervisor that you want to configure with VM Provisioning Settings.

    A page with details about the selected hypervisor appears.

  4. On the Configuration tab, in the Access node section, click VM provisioning settings.

    The VM provisioning settings dialog box appears.

  5. To specify that the VM provisioning settings for this hypervisor are the preferred or "default" settings, move the toggle key Set as system default settings to the right.

    If you enable this setting, when users select a hypervisor, they see a visual indication that these settings are the preferred or default settings.

  6. From the Server group list, select the server group to use for the access nodes.

  7. From the Resource group list, select the resource group to create the access nodes in.

  8. To specify the region to create access nodes in, do the following:

    1. Click Add.

      The Add region dialog box appears.

    2. From the Region list, select the region to the create the access nodes in.

      If you add multiple regions, then the additional Access nodes are created in the same region as that of the workload VMs. Access node VMs are not created in a different region than the workload VMs.

    3. From the Virtual network list, select a virtual network (VNet) for the access nodes.

    4. From the Subnet list, select a sub network of the virtual network.

    5. From the Network security group list, select a security group.

    6. Click Save to return to the previous dialog box.

  9. Under Auto scale, do the following:

    1. In Maximum number of access nodes, enter the maximum number of access nodes that can be created in each region to back up the VMs in the region.

      The default value is 10. The maximum number is 100.

    2. For Default operating system, select the OS for the additional access nodes.

  10. Under Advanced Settings, do the following:

    1. To specify the size of the VM that is used to create the auto-scaled access nodes, move the Auto select VM size toggle key to the left, and then select the size.

      By default, an F-series with a 30 GB Standard HDD is used.

    2. To create a public IP address that can be used to access the access nodes, move the Create public IP toggle key to the right.

    3. To specify a network gateway for the access nodes to communicate with the CommServe server, in Network gateway, enter the gateway in the hostname:port format.

    4. To associate users and/or user groups with the VM provisioning settings, from the Security list, select the users and/or user groups.

    5. For User Approval, select a user to send an email for the user's approval.

      Once the user approves, then the create access node job launches.

    6. For Provisioning workflow, the workflows assigned/created by user with prefix underscore (_) are shown.

      Once the access node is created, the workflow is executed on it.

    7. Click Save.

  11. Click Save.

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