Upgrading An Existing High Availability Standby CommServe Setup


You can upgrade an existing high availability standby CommServe server which was setup using a service pack prior to Service Pack 14.


The following steps are applicable for an existing CommServe with Service Pack 13 (or below).

Step 1: Upgrade Instance 1 (CommServe Client) to the Current Feature Release

Upgrade the existing CommServe to the most recent Commvault feature release. For more information on the latest feature release and how to install it, see Feature Releases.

Step 2: Remove Schedules Associated with the Existing LiveSync Operation

Verify and ensure that the backup and restore schedules associated with the LiveSync operation is disabled. For more information on disabling schedules, see Enabling CommServe LiveSync.

Step 3: Uninstall Instance 2 (SQL Client)

Uninstall Instance 2 (or the instance with SQL Server Agent and CommServe Failover packages) in the production CommServe host. For more information on uninstalling packages, see Uninstallations.

Step 4: Delete the Commvault SQL Instance

  • Note down the SQL Undo File Path folder from the SQL Restore Schedule associated with LiveSync operation.

  • Delete the Commvault SQL Instance in the CommCell Console.

  • Delete the SQL Undo File Path folder.

Step 5: Reinstall Instance 2 (SQL Client)

The SQL Server Agent and the CommServe Failover package must be installed as a second instance. For more information on installing the CommServe Failover package, see Installing the CommServe Failover Package on the Production CommServe Host.

Step 6: Uninstall Instance 1 and Instance 2 on the Standby CommServe Host

Uninstall the packages installed in Instance 2 (or the instance with SQL Server Agent and CommServe Failover packages) first, and then uninstall the packages in Instance 1. For more information on uninstalling packages, see Uninstallations.

Check the SQL Server version on the production CommServe host and verify if the version is the same in the standby CommServe host. If the versions do not match, uninstall the SQL server. In addition, populate the correct SQL server package in the software cache or the installation directory to ensure that the same version is installed in the standby CommServe host.

Step 7: Reinstall Instance 1 and instance 2 on the Standby CommServe Host

Install the Commvault software packages on the standby CommServe host. For more information on installing the packages on the production CommServe host, see Installing the Standby CommServe Host.

Step 8: Enable the LiveSync Operations

Enable the CommServe LiveSync feature which facilitates CommServe Recovery Using CommServe LiveSync. For more information on enabling the LiveSync operation, see Enabling CommServe LiveSync.

Step 9: Verify the Default Setup

Verify the setup from the production CommServe host to ensure that the default components are installed and configured properly. For more information, see Verifying the Default Setup.

Step 10: Verify Disaster Readiness

Perform a test failover to ensure successful production failovers. Test failovers do not affect the current jobs and activities on the production CommServe host. For more information on performing a test failover, see Verifying Disaster Readiness.

What to Do Next