Activating Cloud Metrics Reporting in CommCell Console


In order to view reports on our Cloud Services site, data collection must be enabled for each CommCell console in your organization. Data Collection for these reports is automatically configured when you install the CommServe software, and no further configuration is required. In the instance that data collection has been deactivated, you can activate data collection again.


Do not activate Cloud Metrics Reporting on a Disaster Recovery (DR) CommServe computer. Because the DR CommServe computer shares a CommCell ID with the production CommServe computer, the Cloud Services Portal perceives the DR CommServe computer as a duplicate.

Before You Begin


  1. On the CommCell Console ribbon, click Control Panel.

  2. Click Cloud Metrics Reporting.

    The Cloud Metrics Reporting dialog box appears.

  3. On the General tab, select CommCell Diagnostics and Usage.

    Under General, the Health check and Activity check boxes are already selected. These options allow information about the wellness of the CommCell, job success, client size, and errors to be collected and displayed in the Health report and the Activity report.

    The Proactive Support check box is automatically selected. This option allows the Support Team to troubleshoot your environment by collecting log files and other information from your CommServe database.

  4. To collect information for reports, select any of the report types:

    • To collect information about the wellness of the CommCell, select Health Check.

    • To collect information about job success, client size, and errors, select Activity.

  5. Click the Configuration tab, and then configure client group and data collection settings:

    • To collect information for all client groups, select All Client Groups.

    • To specify a particular client group for data collection, from the Available Client Groups list, select the name of a client group and then add it to Included Client Groups.

    • To specify when report data is collected, click Data Collection Time, and then enter a time.

    • To specify when data collection results are uploaded, in the Upload Frequency box, enter the number of days between uploads.

      The minimum frequency is one day.

      To view live, or more frequent data, use the reports you can download from Commvault Store. For more information, see Download Reports from Commvault Store.

  6. To collect information for additional reports, click the Advanced tab, and then select any of the report types:

    • To collect information that will help you determine how your CommCell environment is performing after you upgrade to the latest version, select Post Upgrade Check.

    • To collect information about user actions and CommCell events that can help with troubleshooting, select Audit.

    • To collect information about protected data sizes used to calculate billing, select Chargeback.

  7. Click OK.

    The reports display no data immediately after you activate data collection. You must wait up to one hour for data to be collected from the CommServe computer and then uploaded to our Cloud Metrics Reporting Server.


After you activate data collection, the CommServe computers automatically download and save a set of data collection scripts from the Cloud Metrics Reporting Server. The data collection scripts run daily to collect information and store the results on each CommCell computer. Results are automatically uploaded to the Cloud Metrics Reporting Server once every seven days. The Cloud Metrics Reporting Server processes the collected data, and then displays reports based on your data on our Cloud Services Portal.

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