Adding a File Server in Array Management to Browse for Content


Applies to: NetApp C-Mode

To browse for subclient content for some NAS vendors, you must add the file server to Array Management using credentials with the proper permissions. If you do not add the file server to Array Management, the NDMP credentials are used to try to access the content but might not have sufficient privileges.

For information about adding the Hitachi NAS (BlueArc) file server or the Dell EMC Isilon/PowerScale file server to Array Management, see the following topics:


After a file server is added to Array Management, you cannot change the vendor, file server name, or the control host.


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Storage tab, click Array Management.

    The Array Management dialog box appears.

  2. Click Add.

    The Filer Properties dialog box appears.

  3. On the General tab, enter the following:

    1. From the Snap Vendor list, select the filer vendor that you want to add.

    2. In the Name box, enter the name or IP address of the file server.

    3. Under Credentials, click Change, enter the credentials for a user with privileges to access the file server, and then click OK.

    4. Optional: In the Description text box, enter a description for the file server.

  4. Click OK to save the information.

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