Advanced Restore Options (Copy Precedence)


Choose the copy from which you wish to recover or retrieve. Select from the following options:

Restore from copy precedence

When selected, the system recovers or retrieves data from the selected storage policy copy (Synchronous Copy or Selective Copy). If data does not exist in the specified copy, the data recovery or retrieve operation fails even if the data exists in another copy of the same storage policy.

When cleared, (or by default) the system recovers or retrieves data from the storage policy copy with the lowest copy precedence. If the data was pruned from the primary copy, the system automatically recovers or retrieves from the other copies of the storage policy in the following order:

  1. Lowest copy precedence to highest copy precedence among all synchronous copies.

  2. Lowest copy precedence to highest copy precedence among all selective copies (if your agent supports selective copies).

Once the data is found, it is recovered or retrieved, and no further copies are checked.

Copy Precedence

When selected, the system recovers or retrieves data from the copy with the specified precedence number.

Database Note:

You can use a backup copy to restore the database or logs. You specify the copy by using the precedence number that is associated with the copy.

The copy precedence that you use for the restore depends on whether you want to restore the data, or the data and the log files.

You must select the appropriate copy in order to have the job succeed. For example, if you want to restore the log files, and you select a data only copy, then the job fails.

If you want to perform a point-in-time restore, then select a data only copy.

If you want to restore logs, then select a data and log files copy, or a log files copy.

If you want to restore the data and the log files, the data and logs must be available on the same copy precedence.

If you are restoring from IntelliSnap backups that use a single storage policy for data and logs, a data only restore from copy precedence will not restore the logs.

If you are restoring from IntelliSnap backups that use different storage policies for data and logs, both the data and logs must be available on the same copy precedence that you specify during the restore.

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