Advanced Restore Options (Roll-Forward)


Use this tab to recover the database or database partitions by reapplying the log files containing transactions that are not part of any database backup image.

Roll-forward (Reapply the Logs)

Specifies that you can reapply the log files required to complete the restore against the DB2 database or DB2 DPF database partitions with roll-forward capability.

  • To the End of the Logs

    Specifies whether to reapply all of the log files.

    Whenever you select this option and the subsequent restore completes successfully, another roll-forward restore automatically starts, and this restore always fails. This occurs because the DB2 server starts to look for another archive log file during a roll-forward restore even if there are no archive log files left.

  • To a Point in Time

    Depending on the selected date and time, specifies whether to reapply the logs up to a specific time that you specify. To change a date, click one in the list. Also, use the space to set the appropriate time.


    This is the default when you browse from the job history.

  • To End of Backup

    Rollforward all the partitions in the database to the earliest time during a rollforward operation that the database was consistent.

    For additional information on this option, go to the IBM website, END OF BACKUP.

  • Overflow Directory

    Displays the log path to be searched for all of the archived logs during the database recovery. This overflow path must be unique for each database or partition. Use this field if the log files were moved to a location other than that specified by the logpath database configuration parameter. (This location would be identified in the Alternate Log Path field.) You can use this space to change the overflow path.

    If you are maintaining DB2 or DB2 DPF archive logs in a raw device, you must define this field for a roll-forward operation. This is true because if the required log file is not found in the raw device, DB2/DB2 DPF searches the overflow directory for the log file. If the log file is still not found, DB2/DB2 DPF calls the user exit program to retrieve the log file into the overflow log path. If you do not specify an overflow log path for the roll-forward operation, DB2/DB2 DPF does not call the user exit program to retrieve the log file, and the roll-forward operation fails. You can use the retrieve directory for a particular database as an overflow path, or you can use a new overflow path.

  • Browse

    Click to browse for and select the overflow directory.

  • Alternate Log Path

    Specifies whether you want to provide another location within the DB2/DB2 DPF directory for the log files. The space displays the path if it was already provided. Use this space to include or change the path.

  • Browse

    Click to browse for and select the alternate log path.

Leave in Roll-forward Pending State

Specifies whether to leave the database in a roll-forward pending state after the restore. If you select this option, the database will not come up until you roll-forward the database.

Time Zone

Use this to specify the destination time zone when the destination client is in a different time zone than the CommServe computer.

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