Agent Properties (General)


Use this dialog box to obtain or provide general information for the agent.

Client Name

Displays the name of the client computer on which this Agent is installed.


Displays the identity of the Agent that is installed on the client computer.


Displays the Agent software version installed on the client computer.

Installed date

Displays the date on which the Agent was installed or upgraded on the client computer.

Enable Instance Discovery (for Oracle iDataAgent)

When selected, instances are automatically discovered every 168 hours (one week) by default or whenever the Communications Service (GxCVD) is restarted. The default 168-hour (one week) timing can be overridden with the nORACLEINSTANCEDISCOVERYINTERVAL additional setting.

Enable Database Discovery (for DB2 iDataAgent)

When selected, databases are automatically discovered every 24 hours by default, or whenever the Communications Service (GxCVD) is restarted. The default timing can be overridden with the nDBDISCOVERYINTERVAL additional setting.

Stub Recovery Parameters (on Unix clients)

Specifies whether to enable recall throttling for stub recovery jobs. Selecting this option will allow you to control the number of stub recovery jobs that can be run based on the limits set below. When these options are disabled in the CommCell Console, the system will apply any legacy registry key settings corresponding to these options, where applicable.

  • Maximum Stub Recovery

    Use this space to specify the upper limit for the number of stubs to be recovered for this agent.

  • Time between recall to count as successive in seconds

    Use this space to specify the number of seconds for a recall to be considered as successive.

  • Time to wait after maximum successive recalls limit is reached in seconds

    Use this space to specify the number of seconds that this agent must wait before additional stub recovery jobs can begin after the upper limit has been reached.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. You can include information such as the entity's content, and cautionary notes.

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