Backupset Level Indexing - Index Database Backup


In backupset level indexing, the system backs up the index database based on the storage policies involved in the backupset.

For example:

  • Backupset BS1 has Subclient SC1 (using storage policy SP1) and Subclient SC2 (using storage policy SP2).

  • The system backs up index databases using pseudoclients SP1_IndexServer and SP2_IndexServer.

  • Suppose storage policy SP1 has two copies (Primary and Secondary) and storage policy SP2 has three copies (sprimary, Copy2, and Copy3).

  • The system backs up index databases for each copy of the storage policies, as follows:

    • SP1-Primary

    • SP1-Secondary

    • SP2-Primary

    • SP2-Copy2

    • SP2-Copy3


If a storage policy is changed for any subclient of a backupset, and the old storage policy is not being used for any other subclients of that backupset, then the last three existing versions of index database backups on that old storage policy will be retained as long as the associated backup jobs are valid.

To delete these index database backup checkpoints, enable the "Delete checkpoints for not currently active storage policies" storage parameter in the Storage > Media Management Configuration > Data Aging dialog box in the CommCell Console. For more information, see Media Management Configuration: Data Aging.

To see the list of existing index database backups for a backupset, see Index Backup Retention Report.

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