Best Practices for Cloud Storage


Security Settings

To protect your cloud storage from security related vulnerabilities, make sure to implement and configure all the security settings recommended by the respective cloud storage vendor for buckets /containers/storage.

Cloud Read and Write Performance

To obtain the best read, write performance on copies, use the same data block size as source copy, if the cloud library is used for a secondary copy.

Block sizes can be modified from the Data Path Properties dialog box available from the Data Paths tab of the Copy Properties dialog box, for the specific data path.

DDB Backup on Cloud

Make sure that the cloud storage library does not have an Archive Object Storage class selected. DDB backups are not recommended on Archive Object Storage, like S3 Glacier/Deep Archive, Azure Archive and Oracle Archive.

Space Consumption on Microsoft Azure Stack Hub

Recommend that the total storage on Microsoft Azure stack hub does not exceed 80% of the total capacity in the hub to ensure that the server has sufficient space to process the data. This can accomplished as follows:

  • Creating multiple mount paths using different containers.

  • For each mount path, setting the option Do not consume more than n GB option available in the Mount Path Properties (Allocation Policy) tab. (Where n should be the maximum size of the mount path.)

For example, if you have a 100TB server, create 8 mount paths with 10TB per mount path; do not create more than 8 mount paths to ensure that only 80% of the total capacity is consumed.