Changing the Branding Settings of a Windows Installation Package


You can change the branding settings of the installation package that was created from the Download Manager. This is useful if you want the installation wizard to display your company name and logo.


  1. From the directory where the installation package is stored, go to the DownloadPackageLocation*_WinX64/Common/OEM/1/install_images** folder, where *DownloadPackageLocation is the location you specified during the creation of the installation package.

    If the installation package also has a DownloadPackageLocation_Win32 folder, wait until the end of the procedure for instructions.

  2. Update the following images with your own icons and logos:

    Image File

    Required Specifications



    Dimensions: 32 x 32 pixels, Bit depth: 32

    Icon to be used by the Edge Monitor tool for Laptop Backup.


    Dimensions: 48 x 48 pixels, Bit depth: 32

    Icon to be used by the Commvault software in general. This icon may be the same as the Edge Monitor icon.


    Dimensions: 125 x 29, Bit depth: 24

    Image to be used by the installation wizard.


    Dimensions: 125 x 29, Bit depth: 32

    Image to be used by the installation wizard.


    Dimensions: 474 x 106, Bit depth: 24

    Logo to be used by the installation wizard.


    Dimensions: 474 x 106, Bit depth: 32

    Logo to be used by the installation wizard.


    Dimensions: 256 x 256, Bit depth: 32

    Icon to be used by the Process Manager application.

  3. Open the OEMInfo.xml file with an appropriate editor, and then update one or more of the XML parameters listed in the following table:




    The name of your company.


    The name of your company product.

    The product name is also used as the name of the installation wizard. This is the name you will see on the welcome page of the wizard.


    The name of the software to be installed. The software name may be the same as the product name.


    The edition name for your software.


    The name of the Company folder.

    The Company folder is part of the installation directory where the software installed. By default, the software is installed in the C:\Program Files\Company\Software directory.


    The name of the Software folder.

    The Software folder is part of the installation directory where the software installed. This is the subfolder of the Company folder.


    Name to be used by the SQL Server instance that is created during the CommServe installation.

  4. Save and close the OEMInfo.xml file.

  5. If the installation package also has a DownloadPackageLocation_Win32 folder, copy the files that you recently updated to the DownloadPackageLocation_Win32/Common/OEM/1/install_images folder.


Future installations from the installation package will use the new branding settings.

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