Command Line Interface - Configuration - Oracle RAC Agent


Configuring an Oracle RAC Agent

Creating a RAC Pseudo Client
  1. If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the CreateRACClient.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then and type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af CreateRACClient.xml -clientInfo/clientType 'RAC' -entity/clientName '<RACpseudoclientname>


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Instance Configuration.

    • You can define the XML parameters in the xml file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the xml file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.

Adding the First RAC Node

Use XML to add the first Oracle RAC node.

  1. If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the CreateRACInstance.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then and type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af CreateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -instance/appName 'Oracle RAC' -instance/clientName '<RACPseudoClientName>' -instance/instanceName '<RAC DatabaseName>' -useCatalogConnect true -oracleRACInstance/connectString/userName '<catalog_db_user_name>' -oracleRACInstance/connectString/password '<catalog_db_password>' -oracleRACInstance/connectString/domainName '<catalog_db_name>' -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName '<data_storage_policy>' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName '<log_storage_policy>' -commandLineStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName '<data_sp>' -racDBOperationType ADD -instancePhysicalClient/clientName '<RACnode1name>' -instanceOracleSID '<node1instancename>' -userAccount/userName '<oracleusername>' -oracleHome '<oracle_home_path>' -racDBInstance/connectString/userName '<racdb_username>' -racDBInstance/connectString/password '<racdb_password>' -racDBInstance/connectString/serviceName '<racdbname>'


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Instance Configuration.

    • You can define the XML parameters in the xml file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the xml file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.

Adding the Second RAC Node

Use XML to add the second Oracle RAC node.

  1. If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the UpdateRACInstance.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then and type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName '<RACpseudoclientname>' -entity/instanceName '<RACDatabaseName>' -racDBOperationType ADD -instancePhysicalClient/clientName '<RACnode2name>' -instanceOracleSID '<node2instancename>' -userAccount/userName '<oracleusername>' -oracleHome '<oracle_home_path>' -racDBInstance/connectString/userName '<racdb_username>' -racDBInstance/connectString/password '<racdb_password>' -racDBInstance/connectString/ServiceName '<racdbname>'


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Instance Configuration.

    • You can define the XML parameters in the xml file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the xml file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.


The xml_path parameter is the location of the xml file.

Creating a RAC Client

The following command creates an Oracle RAC client. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line.

qoperation execute -af CreateRACClient.xml –cs <CommServeName> -clientInfo/clientType 'RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient'

Adding the first Oracle RAC node

The following command adds the first Oracle RAC node. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line.

qoperation execute -af CreateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -instance/appName 'Oracle RAC' -instance/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -instance/instanceName 'racdb' -useCatalogConnect true -oracleRACInstance/connectString/userName 'cataloguser' -oracleRACInstance/connectString/password 'catalogpasswd' -oracleRACInstance/connectString/domainName 'catalogdb' -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'log_sp' -racDBOperationType ADD -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'racnode1' -instanceOracleSID racdb1 -userAccount/userName 'oracle' -oracleHome '/oracle/oraclehome/' -racDBInstance/connectString/userName 'sys' -racDBInstance/connectString/password 'syspasswd' -racDBInstance/connectString/serviceName 'racdb1'

Add the first Oracle RAC node without using catalog connect

The following command adds the first Oracle RAC node without using catalog connect. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line.

qoperation execute -af CreateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -useCatalogConnect false -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName ' data_sp ' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'log_sp' -racDBOperationType ADD -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'racnode1' -instanceOracleSID racdb1 -userAccount/userName 'oracle' -oracleHome '/oracle/oraclehome/' -racDBInstance/connectString/userName 'sys' -racDBInstance/connectString/password 'oracle' -racDBInstance/connectString/serviceName ‘racdb1'

Adding Second RAC Node

qoperation execute -af <xml_path>\UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -racDBOperationType ADD -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'racnode2' -instanceOracleSID racdb2 -userAccount/userName oracle -oracleHome '/oracle/oraclehome/' -racDBInstance/connectString/userName 'sys' -racDBInstance/connectString/password 'passwd' -racDBInstance/connectString/ServiceName 'racdb2'

Configuring an Instance

Getting Instance Properties

Use XML to view Oracle RAC database instance properties. Run the operation from the command line, or automate configuration by combining command line operations in a script.

Use this command to:

  • View the current Oracle RAC database instance properties

  • View the Oracle RAC database instance properties to verify changes after using XML to modify the instance

  • If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  • Download the GetRACInstance.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  • On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af GetRACInstance.xml -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName '<RACpseudoclientname>' -instanceName '<RACDatabasename>' -propertyLevel 30


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Instance Configuration.

    • The "-propertyLevel 30" parameter is optional. If you don't use it, the basic information about the instance is returned. If you do use it, information on all the instance properties is returned. For example, the following are some of the additional properties returned:

      • dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName

      • logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName

      • commandLineStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName

      • instanceOracleSID

      • oracleHome

      • storageDevice

      • racDBInstance - array of Oracle RAC instances

    • You can define the XML parameters in the XML file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the XML file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  • To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.

Modifying an Instance

Use XML to modify Oracle database instance properties. Run the operation from the command line, or automate configuration by combining command line operations in a script.

  1. If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the UpdateRACInstance.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then and type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName '<RACPseudoClientName>' -entity/instanceName '<RACDatabaseName>' -racDBOperationType OVERWRITE -instancePhysicalClient/clientName '<RACnodename>' -instanceOracleSID <instancename_for_node> -userAccount/userName <username> -oracleHome '<homepath>' -racDBInstance/connectString/userName '<connect_string_username>' -racDBInstance/connectString/password '<connect_string_password>' -racDBInstance/connectString/ServiceName '<connect_string_name>' -tnsAdminFolder '<tnsadmin_path>' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName '<log_storage_policy>' -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName '<data_storage_policy>'


  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.


Changing the Control File Autobackup Type

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -ctrlFileAutoBackupType CONFIGURE_ON

Updating the Log Storage Policy

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'log_sp'

Disabling the Catalog User

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -useCatalogConnect false

Disabling RMAN CrossCheck

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -disableRMAN true

Changing the Block Size

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -blockSize 1048576

Modifying the Storage Policy

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'log_sp'

Configuring the Data Transfer Options

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -softwareCompression ON_CLIENT -networkAgents 2

Enabling Deduplication

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -enableDeduplication true -generateSignature ON_MEDIA_AGENT

Modifying Oracle User details for RAC instance ‘racdb1’ on ‘racnode1’


qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -racDBOperationType OVERWRITE -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'racnode1' -instanceOracleSID 'racdb1' userAccount/userName 'backupadmin'

Modifying the Connect String for Oracle RAC instance ‘racdb1’ on ‘racnode1’

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -racDBOperationType OVERWRITE -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'racnode1' -instanceOracleSID 'racdb1' racDBInstance/connectString/userName 'sys' -racDBInstance/connectString/password 'syspasswd1' -racDBInstance/connectString/serviceName 'racdb1'

Modifying TNS_ADMIN for RAC instance ‘racdb1’ on ‘racnode1’

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -racDBOperationType OVERWRITE -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'racnode1' -instanceOracleSID 'racdb1' -tnsAdminFolder '/oracle/network/admin/'

Modifying Oracle Home on RAC instance ‘racdb2’ on ‘racnode2’

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -racDBOperationType OVERWRITE -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'racnode2' -instanceOracleSID 'racdb2' -oracleHome '/oracle/app/prodcut/dbhome/'

Deleting the Oracle RAC instance 'racdb1' on ‘racnode1'

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -racDBOperationType DELETE -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'racnode1' -instanceOracleSID 'racdb1'

Deleting an Instance
  1. If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the DeleteRACInstance.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then and type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af DeleteRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' –entity/clientName '<RACpseudoclientname>' –entity/instanceName '<RACDatabaseName>'


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Instance Configuration.

    • You can define the XML parameters in the xml file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the xml file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.


Delete an Oracle RAC Instance

qoperation execute -af DeleteRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' –entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' –entity/instanceName 'racdb'

Delete All Oracle RAC Instances for a Pseudo-Client

When you want to delete all instances for an Oracle RAC pseudo-client, set the deleteAllInstances element to true and do not use the instanceName parameter.

qoperation execute -af DeleteRACInstance.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' –entity/clientName 'RacPseudoclient' –deleteAllInstances true

Adding Instances to an Oracle RAC Pseudo Client

You can add multiple instances to an Oracle RAC multi instance pseudo client, or add an additional instance by using the command line interface.

  1. Create a Oracle RAC instance and include all instances that are part of the configuration.

  2. To add an additional instance, use the UpdateRACInstance.xml template and specify the instance to add in the instanceOracleSID parameter.


Oracle RAC pseudo client RAC_multiInstance contains two instanced databaseX and databaseY.

qoperation execute -af CreateRACInstance.xml -instance/appName 'Oracle RAC' -instance/clientName 'Rac_MultiInstance' -instance/instanceName 'sales' -ctrlFileAutoBackupType CONFIGURED -disableRMAN true -networkAgents 2 -softwareCompression OFF -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'DEDUP_SP' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'NONDEDUP_SP' -enableDeduplication true -generateSignature ON_CLIENT -racDBOperationType ADD -instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'node1' -instanceOracleSID databaseY1 -userAccount/userName 'oracle' -oracleHome '/u01/app/oracle/oracleHome/db_1' -racDBInstance/connectString/userName 'sys' -racDBInstance/connectString/password 'syspassword' -racDBInstance/connectString/serviceName 'databaseY1' -useCatalogConnect false

Add another instance, databaseZ, to the pseudo client.

qoperation execute -af UpdateRACInstance.xml -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'Rac_MultiInstance' -entity/instanceName 'sales' -racDBOperationType ADD instancePhysicalClient/clientName 'node2' -instanceOracleSID databaseY2 -userAccount/userName oracle -oracleHome '/u01/app/oracle/oracleHome/db_1' -racDBInstance/connectString/userName 'sys' -racDBInstance/connectString/password 'syspassword' -racDBInstance/connectString/ServiceName 'databaseY2'

Configuring a Subclient

Creating a Subclient

Use XML to create Oracle RAC subclients. Run the operation from the command line, or automate configuration by combining command line operations in a script.

  1. If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the CreateSubclient.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then and type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af CreateSubclient.xml -cs <CommServeName> -subClientEntity/appName "Oracle RAC" -subClientEntity/clientName 'RACPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'subclient1'


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Subclient Configuration.

    • You can define the XML parameters in the xml file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the xml file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.

Getting Subclient Properties

Use XML to modify subclient properties. Run the operation from the command line, or automate configuration by combining command line operations in a script.

  1. If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the GetSubclient.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base and type the command.

    qoperation execute -af get_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RACPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'subclient1'


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Subclient Configuration.

    • You can define the XML parameters in the xml file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the xml file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.

Modifying Subclient Properties

Use XML to modify subclient properties. Run the operation from the command line, or automate configuration by combining command line operations in a script.

  1. If you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the UpdateSubclient.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RACPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'subclient1' -newName 'new_subclient_name' -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp'


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Subclient Configuration.

    • You can define the XML parameters in the XML file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the XML file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.

Deleting a Subclient

Use XML to delete Oracle subclients. Run the operation from the command line, or automate configuration by combining command line operations in a script.

  1. f you are not logged on to the CommServe computer, run the qlogin command.

  2. Download the DeleteSubClient.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base, and then and type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af delete_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName 'Oracle RAC' -entity/clientName 'RACPseudoClient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -entity/subclientName 'subclient1'


    • For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle RAC Subclient Configuration.

    • You can define the XML parameters in the xml file, instead of on the command line. For information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

    • If the xml file is not in the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, then include the full path to the file on the command line.

  4. To log off the CommServe computer, run the qlogout command.


Creating an online full Subclient

To create an online full Subclient, use the following:

  • selectiveOnlineFull - set to 'true',

  • dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the Storage Policy Name (in this example 'data_sp'),

  • logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the backup log Storage Policy name (in this example 'log_sp')

    qoperation execute -af create_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RACPseudoClient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -entity/subclientName 'Selective_Online_Full' -selectiveOnlineFull true -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp'

Creating an online subclient

To create an online Subclient, use the following:

  • backupMode - set to 'true',

  • dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the Storage Policy Name (in this example 'data_sp'),

  • logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the backup log Storage Policy name (in this example 'log_sp')

    qoperation execute -af create_subclient_template.xml cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'onlinesubclient' -backupMode ONLINE_DB -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp' -oracleDataBackupStreams/streamInstanceName 'racdb1' -oracleDataBackupStreams/streamNumber 5

To create a Subclient with table level backup, use the following:

  • enableTableBrowse - set to 'true',

  • dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the Storage Policy Name (in this example 'data_sp'),

  • logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the backup log Storage Policy name (in this example 'log_sp')

    qoperation execute -af create_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -entity/subclientName 'oracleTableBackup' -enableTableBrowse true -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp'

Creating a selective online subclient

To create a selective online Subclient, use the following:

  • backupMode - set to 'ONLINE_DB',

  • dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the Storage Policy Name (in this example 'data_sp'),

  • logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the backup log Storage Policy name (in this example 'log_sp')

    qoperation execute -af create_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'Selective_Online_Full' -selectiveOnlineFull true -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp'

Creating an Offline Subclient with lightsoutScript option with warning in 3 mins.

To create an offline subclient that uses a lightsOut warning script, use the following:

  • backupMode - set to 'OFFLINE_DB',

  • lightsOutScript - set to 'true'

  • warning - set to 'true',

  • delayTimeinMin - set to the number of minutes (in this example, '3')

  • dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the Storage Policy Name (in this example 'data_sp'),

  • logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName - set to the backup log Storage Policy name (in this example 'log_sp')

    qoperation execute -af /CLI/create_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'offlinesubclient' -backupMode OFFLINE_DB -lightsOutScript true -warning true -delayTimeinMin 3 -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp'

Creating a log only subclient

To create log only subclient, use the following:

  • backupArchiveLog - set to 'true',

  • backupArchiveLogOption- set to 'BACKUP_ARCHIVE_ALL'

  • -data - set to 'false'

    qoperation execute -af create_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -entity/instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'logonly_subclient' -data 'false' -backupArchiveLog true -backupArchiveLogOption BACKUP_ARCHIVE_LOG_ALL -backupControlFile false -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp'

Creating an online subset subclient

This can be used to create an online subset Subclient.

Only one tablespace and one datafile can be selected during creation. using modification to add more tablespaces/datafiles.

  • backupMode - set to 'ONLINE_SUBSET_DB',

  • contentOperationType - set to 'ADD',

  • content/oracletablespace - set to the tablespace name,

  • content/oracleContent/dataFile - set to the datafile (directory and name)

    qoperation execute -af create_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'onlinesubclient' -backupMode ONLINE_SUBSET_DB -contentOperationType ADD -content/oracleContent/tableSpace 'TABLESPACENAME' -content/oracleContent/dataFile '+DISK/datafile/datafilename'

Creating an IntelliSnap subclient

To create an IntelliSnap Subclient, use the following parameters:

  • isSnapEnabled - set to 'true',

  • dataFilesPerBFS- set to the numerical value (in this example '40'),

  • skipOffline - set to 'true',

  • skipInaccessible - set to 'true',

  • maxBackupsetSizeinKB - set the numerical value (in this example '2'),

  • softwareCompression - set to where it will be (in this example 'ON_CLIENT'),

  • networkAgents - set to the numerical value (in this example '2')

    qoperation execute -af create_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'snap_backup' -isSnapBackupEnabled true -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'data_sp'

Updating a Subclient with Data Threshold Streams, Backup SP File, Datafiles per BFS, Skip Offline, Skip Inaccessible, Max Backup Set Size, Software Compression and Network Agents

Use the following parameters:

  • dataThresholdStreams - set to the numerical value (in this example '3'),

  • backupSPFile - set to 'true',

  • dataFilesPerBFS- set to the numerical value (in this example '40'),

  • skipOffline - set to 'true',

  • skipInaccessible - set to 'true'

  • maxBackupsetSizeinKB - set the numerical value (in this example '2'),

  • softwareCompression - set to where it will be (in this example 'ON_CLIENT'),

  • networkAgents - set to the numerical value (in this example '2')

    qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'oracleSOF' -dataThresholdStreams 3 -backupSPFile true -dataFilesPerBFS 40 -skipOffline true -skipInaccessible true -maxBackupSetSizeInKB 2 -softwareCompression ON_CLIENT -networkAgents 2

Updating an IntelliSnap subclient with a snap engine and proxy

To update the subclient with a snap engine and proxy, use the following parameters:

  • isSnapBackupEnabled - set to 'true',

  • snapShotEngineName - set to engine (in this example 'NetApp'),

  • snapToTapeProxyToUse/clientName - set to proxy name (in this example 'dbserve43')

    qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'snap_backup' -isSnapBackupEnabled true -snapShotEngineName 'NetApp' -snapToTapeProxyToUse/clientName 'dbserve43'

Updating a subclient with the deduplication and generate signature options

To update the subclient with the deduplication and generate signature options, use the following.

Set the enableDeduplication option to 'true' when using the generateSignature option.

  • backupMode - set to 'ONLINE_SUBSET_DB',

  • contentOperation Type - set to 'ADD'

  • content/oracletablespace - set to the tablespace name,

  • content/oracleContent/dataFile - set to the datafile (directory and name).

    qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'oracleSOF' -enableDeduplication true -generateSignature ON_MEDIA_AGENT

Update an Online Subclient to Update the Data Stream for the Second Node and Values for Both Log Streams

qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'NEW_PSEUDO' -instanceName ' racdb ' -subclientName 'fullbackup_subclient' -dataBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'sp_dedup' -oracleDataBackupStreams/streamInstanceName 'racdb2' -oracleDataBackupStreams/streamNumber 6

qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'NEW_PSEUDO' -instanceName ' racdb ' -subclientName 'fullbackup_subclient' -oracleLogBackupStreams/streamInstanceName 'racdb1' -oracleLogBackupStreams/streamNumber 4

qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'NEW_PSEUDO' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'fullbackup_subclient' -oracleLogBackupStreams/streamInstanceName 'racdb2' -oracleLogBackupStreams/streamNumber

Update an Online Subclient to Modify the RAC Streams Value on a Single Node

qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RACPseudoClient1' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'default' -oracleDataBackupStreams/streamInstanceName 'racdb1' -oracleDataBackupStreams/streamNumber 3

Deleting a Subclient

qoperation execute -af delete_subclient_template.xml –cs <CommServeName> -entity/appName "Oracle RAC" -entity/clientName 'RacPseudoClient' -instanceName 'racdb' -subclientName 'snap_backup'