Command Line Interface - SAP MaxDB iDataAgent


Log On to the CommServe

To run command line operations, you must first login to the CommServe.

From Command prompt, navigate to <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base and run the following command:

qlogin -cs <commserve name> -u <user name>

For example, to log on to CommServe 'server1' with username 'user1':

qlogin -cs server1 -u user1

Instance Configuration

Adding an Instance
  1. Download the create_instance_template.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameters values:

    qoperation execute -af create_instance_template.xml -appName "SAP for MAX DB" -clientName xxxxx -instanceName xxxxx -commandLineStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName xxxxx -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName xxxxx -userGroupName xxxxx -associatedUserGroupsOperationType ADD

    If you plan to schedule backups using a schedule policy, create the instance using the following command from the <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameters values:

    qoperation execute -af create_instance_template.xml -appName "SAP for MAX DB" -clientName xxxxx -instanceName xxxxx -commandLineStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName xxxxx -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName xxxxx -osUser/userName 'xxxxx' -dbUser/userName 'xxxxx' -dbmcliPath 'xxxxxx' -osUser/Password 'xxxxx' -dbUser/Password 'xxxxx' ADD

Modifying an Instance
  1. Download the modify_instance_template.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameters and attributes.

    For example, the command below modifies the name of the instance.

    qoperation execute -af modify_instance_template.xml -appName "SAP for MAX DB" -clientName xxxxx -instanceName xxxxx -newName xxxxx

    If you plan to schedule backups using a schedule policy, associate the instance to a schedule policy to perform the backups using the following command:

    qoperation execute -af modify_instance_template.xml -appName "SAP for MAX DB" -clientName xxxxx -instanceName xxxxx -newName xxxxx -commandLineStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'xxxxx' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName 'xxxxx' -osUser/userName 'xxxxx' -dbUser/userName 'xxxxx' -dbmcliPath 'xxxxx' -osUser/Password 'xxxxx' -dbUser/Password 'xxxxx'

Deleting an Instance

Warning: If you do not include the instanceName parameter when you delete instances, all SAP MaxDB instances are deleted for the client.

  1. Download the delete_instance_template.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameters and attributes.

    qoperation execute -af delete_instance_template.xml -appName "SAP for MAX DB" -clientName xxxxx -instanceName xxxxx

Available Parameters for Instance Configuration

The following table displays all the parameters you can use with the commands mentioned in the above sections. To add a parameter to your command, use the following syntax:

qoperation execute -af <template XML file> -<parameter name> <value>


Description of Parameter Values


Name of the client computer.


Name of the application. In this case it would be 'SAP for MAX DB'.


Name of the SAP for MAX DB instance.


A general description of the instance.


Option to set the encryption points during backups. Valid values are:

  • ENC_MEDIA_ONLY, to encrypt the backup data after transmission and prior to storage on the media.

  • ENC_NETWORK_AND_MEDIA, to encrypt the backup data before transmission. The data is stored encrypted on the media.

  • ENC_NETWORK_ONLY, to encrypt the backup data for transmission and then decrypt the data prior to storage on the media.

  • ENC_NONE, to disable data encryption.


A component of deduplication performed on the client or MediaAgent computer. Valid values are:

  • ON_CLIENT, to enable signature generation on the client.

  • ON_MEDIA_AGENT, to enable signature generation on the MediaAgent.

  • OFF, to disable signature generation.


Number of Network Agents.


Option to enable compression. Valid values are:

  • ON_CLIENT, to enable software compression on the client.

  • ON_MEDIAAGENT, to enable software compression on the MediaAgent.

  • USE_STORAGE_POLICY_SETTINGS, to use the software compression options defined on the storage policy.

  • OFF, to disable software compression.


Enhancing backup performance by reducing network bandwidth overhead.

Valid values are 0/1.


Option to enable deduplication on subclient.

Valid values are True/False.


Name of the storage policy used to back up this instance.


Name of the storage policy used to back up data and logs of this instance.


Name of the user group to be associated to the instance. This is the user group that you associate from the Security tab of the instance properties dialog box in the CommCell Console.


Specifies the operation that you want to perform on the user groups. Valid values are:

  • ADD, to add a new user group.

  • OVERWRITE, to change the existing user groups with others.

  • DELETE, to delete a user group.


You must use this parameter when the CommCell Console authenticates the user that initiates the RMAN backup or restore job. For information on configuring CommCell Console authentication, see Enabling CommCell Console Authentication of Third Party Command Line Jobs.

The parameter value is the token file that you generate by running the qlogin command with the -f option. For information on running the qlogin command to generate a token file, see qlogin.

The following example shows how to add a parameter for a command:

Modify the Log Storage Policy

qoperation execute -af modify_instance_template.xml -appName "SAP for MAX DB" -clientName client1 -instanceName instance1 -logBackupStoragePolicy/StoragePolicyName log_SP1

Enable Encryption and Software Compression

qoperation execute -af modify_instance_template.xml -appName "SAP for MAX DB" -clientName client1 -instanceName instance1 -encryptionFlag ENC_NETWORK_AND_MEDIA -softwareCompression USE_STORAGE_POLICY_SETTINGS

Log Off from the CommServe

Once you have completed the command line operations, you can logout from the CommServe using the following command:

qlogout -cs commserve

For example, to log out from the CommServe 'Server1'.

qlogout -cs Server1