Configuring a Cloud Network Storage Pool


You can configure a Cloud Network Storage Pool with global deduplication from the CommCell Console.

Optionally, you can configure the Cloud Network Storage Pools from the command line. For more information, see Creating Cloud Network Storage Pool Using Command Line.

About This Task

The configuration wizard automatically creates the following entities as soon as the storage pool is configured:

  • Creates a cloud library

  • Creates a mount path for the cloud library

  • Creates a new Global Deduplication Policy

In addition, if a Client Group is associated with the storage pool, all the MediaAgents in the Client Group is automatically shared across the mount paths available in the library, with Read access.

Gather Cloud Storage Pool Data

Required Information


Storage Pool Name

Name of the storage pool.

For example: Storagepool-cloud001


Name of the available cloud library with which the storage pool should be associated.


Click to create a new cloud library.

Cloud Storage Device

Details to configure the cloud storage device. For example: Service host name, Access key, Bucket.

For more information on the various server types, see Access Information.

Deduplication Database (DDB) Location

Path in which the deduplicated database (DDB) is stored.

MediaAgent and Partition Paths

Path to the MediaAgents and DDB partitions, if partitioned deduplication database was enabled.

Client Group

Client group associated with storage pool. (optional)

Note: When a new MediaAgent is added to the client group, then it is automatically shared using one of the above-mentioned transport type, depending on the storage pool configuration.

Cipher and Key Length for software encryption.

Select the cipher and key length from the respective lists to enable encryption on copies including the primary copy.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources > Storage Pools.

  2. Right-click Storage Pools, point to Add Storage Pool, and click Cloud > Cloud Storage.

    The Create New Storage Pool Wizard appears.

  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard and use the data that was already gathered.

  4. Click Finish to create a Cloud Storage Pool.

    The new storage pool appears under the Storage Pools node.


After the configuration the following entities will be available in the CommCell Console:

  • A Global Deduplication Policy (Disk Network Storage Pool) under the Storage Pools node and under the Storage Policies node.

  • The following entities will be created and displayed under the Global Deduplication Policy (Disk Network Storage Pool) node in the CommCell Console:

    • Deduplication Engines

    • Storage Policy Copy, DDB and partitions under the Deduplication Engines node

    • Cloud Library under the Storage node

  • All the existing Global Deduplication Policies will appear as Storage Pools under the Storage Pools node.

  • If a client group was selected, then all the MediaAgents in the client group are automatically included as follows:

    • Shared across all the mount paths available in the library

    • Added as a data path on the Global Deduplication Policy

    • Added as a data path on the storage policy associated with the Global Deduplication Policy

What to Do Next