From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies > Storage Policies > storage_policy.
Right-click the storage policy copy and click Properties.
On the Retention tab of the Copy Properties dialog box, specify the following:
Under Basic Retention Rule for All Backups, set the basic retention rules by clicking Retain for and entering the number of days and cycles appropriate for your organization.
Note: For Archiving Agents, set the basic retention rules by clicking Retain for option under Basic Retention Rules for Data/Compliance Archiver Data. (For a list of Archiving agents supporting this option, Data Aging - Support.)
Under Extended Retention Rules for Full Backups, set the extended retention rules as follows:
Select the For check box.
For deduplication storage policy copy, a message appears that tells you that enabling extended retention rules on a deduplicated copy might increase the DDB size.
Click No and create a selective copy with deduplication for each selective criteria (for example, weekly, monthly, and so on) and set the higher basic retention period on each selective copy. For instructions, see Creating a Selective Copy.
Important: If multiple selective copies are created, you will not be able to choose Grace Days and Select the jobs from previous tier options.
Enter the number of Days Total to retain the backup.
Click the Keep drop-down list, and select the desired backup criteria (for example, Monthly Full, Weekly Full).
Click the Grace Days drop-down list and select the number of days (for example., 2).
This allows you to consider the additional number of days along with the Extended Retention rule. For example, if the last full backup job fails with in the defined extended retention criteria, then the next full backup job that ran in the specified grace days will be selected for retention.
Repeat Step 3 to configure additional extended retention.
Click OK.
Configuring Extended Retention Rules