Creating a Map File for Partial File Restores


You can restore files partially by using a map file. You can add multiple files to the map file for partial restores with specific start or stop offset values.

You can perform the restore operations by using the CommCell Console or the command line. Partial file restores are supported for:

  • Index restores

  • Index Free Restore – Restore By Job

Follow these guidelines to when creating a map file:

  • The map file must be a text file in the Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.

  • The format of the mapping file must be in the following format:

    <source file path>”,“<destination file path>”,<start offset>,<stop offset>

    If the destination path specified is not available, the specified folder is created during the restore and the data will be restored to the newly created destination folder.

  • The map file must be located on the client computer where the files will be restored.


  1. Create a text file on the client computer where you want to restore the data.

  2. Add the mapping information in the following format:

    <source file path>”,“<destination file path>”,<start offset>,<stop offset>


    <start offset> and <stop offset> are values in bytes

    For example: “/path1/data1/SRC”,"/path2/data2/DEST”,100,1000

    If the specified destination folder is not available, the necessary destination folder is created during the restore.

    The specified paths for both the source and destination must be absolute paths within the same client computer.

    Below are the results of the partial file restore based on missing information or incorrect syntax:



    File in map, no start offset and no stop offset

    File is restored fully.

    File in map; includes only start offset

    File is restored from the <start offset> until the end of the file.

    File in map; includes start and stop offsets

    File is restored from <start offset> to <stop offset>.

    File in map; start offset provided is in invalid format (not a number)

    Restore starts from the beginning of the file.

    File in map; stop offset provided is in invalid format (not a number)

    Restores until the end of the file.

    File in map; stop offset value is less than start offset value

    Restores until the end of the file.

    Map file has duplicate source file entries with different destination locations

    Only the first source file entry is honored.

    Map file with folder path, start and stop offsets are provided

    All the files under the folder honor the start and stop offsets.

What to Do Next

If the path or the file name does not contain Unicode characters, perform a restore operation. For more information on restore operations using a map file, see Restoring Using a Map file.

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