DB2 MultiNode Subclients


You can use the CommCell Console to create separate subclients for each unique set of data and log files. Use the following criteria to determine which data to create subclients for:

  • The data that you want to back up

  • The database state when you perform backups

  • The schedule for the backup operations

For information about subclients, see Subclients Overview.

Before you back up data, you must define the data that you want to back up and how to back up the data. You do this by creating one or more subclients for the database that you are backing up. For the DB2 Agent IntelliSnap operations, a subclient defines:

  • Whether an entire database is online and all of the database's online log files are backed up

  • Whether data is backed up when the DB2 MultiNode database is online or offline

Depending on your needs, you can create multiple subclients to back up an entire database.

When creating and configuring subclients for DB2 agents, consider the following:

  • DB2 MultiNode has a configuration requirement to indicate whether the database should be online or offline during backups in addition to specifying the subclient name, content and storage policy association.

  • Logs are used to recover database transactions that have been lost due to an operating system or disk failure. This recovery is done by applying the logs to an online backup. DB2 MultiNode archives log files once they become full. Because of their importance in recovering data, it is suggested that you create separate subclients for backing up log files. Log backups in a DB2 pureScale configuration require the availability of all clients (log files are unique on each client).

  • DB2 MultiNode subclients include one or more table spaces. As databases are added to the table spaces, the subclients are updated automatically. This process is an automatic subclient update.

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