Drive Pool Properties (General)


Use this dialog box to view or modify the properties of the drive pool.

Drive Pool Name

The name of the drive pool. If you wish to rename the drive pool, type the new name in this field.

Drive Pool Type

Identifies whether the drive pool belongs to Regular, SAN or NAS setup.

Product Info

  • Library

    The name of the library to which the drive pool is attached.

  • MediaAgent

    The name of the MediaAgent that controls the drive pool.


Use this space to record relevant information about the drive pool.


  • Number of Drives

    The number of drives in the drive pool.

  • Enable Drive Pool

    Select this option to activate the drive pool, or clear this option to deactivate the drive pool.

  • Use All Drives

    Click to assign all the drives in the library to this drive pool.

  • Allocate No. of Drives

    Click to assign a specific number of drives in the library to this drive pool, and then provide a number.

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