FAQ for NDMP Backups


When is a non-full backup automatically converted to a full backup?

A non-full backup is automatically converted to a full backup in the following situations:

  • First backup of the subclient.

  • Promote a secondary storage policy copy that is not synchronized with a primary copy (for all the subclients of a storage policy).

  • If you switch from a IntelliSnap backup to a traditional backup or vice versa.

  • CommCell Migration operation.

Why can't I run incremental backups anymore?

Most file servers limit the number of incremental backup operations that you can perform. When the maximum number of incremental backups is reached, the software automatically starts a new differential backup.

Can Dell EMC VNX / Celerra NDMP backups to a file-server-attached tape use a 256 KB block size?

To configure Dell EMC VNX / Celerra to use a 256 KB block size when writing to file-server-attached tape, configure the Celerra/VNX "tape buffer size" and the "read or write block size" parameters. Set both values to 256. For information about setting the parameters, see “Configuring NDMP Backups on VNX” in the Dell EMC documentation.

Can I backup data to a local tape drive for a NetApp vFiler?

No. You can backup data on a NetApp vFiler by adding the vFiler as a NAS client.

Is NDMP backup supported by NetApp Infinite Volume?

No. Tape backup and backup copy will not work on Infinite Volume.

Is NDMP backup supported by NetApp Flexgroup Volume?

Yes. Tape backups and snap backups will work on Flexgroup Volume.

Do I have to restart SnapMirror to Tape backups from the beginning?

Yes. You must restart SnapMirror To Tape backups from the beginning of the job. You cannot restart SnapMirror to Tape backups from another point in the backup.

Can I use filters for SnapMirror to Tape backups?

No. Backup filters cannot be used for SnapMirror to Tape backups. If you add filters, they are ignored.