Full System Recovery: Virtual Server Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V


A full system recovery of the virtual machines with Virtual Server Agent for Hyper-V involves the following phases:

Preparing for a Full System Recovery

Before you begin a disaster recovery, make sure to do the following:

  • Perform regular full backups of all virtual machine data. These backups can be scheduled to run at convenient intervals.

  • When performing full backups, ensure that metadata collection is enabled. This provides granular recovery of individual files which may be immediately needed.

While multiple virtual machines can always be restored simultaneously at any time, disaster scenarios may require them to be readily available at the moment they are needed.

To achieve this, the recommended disaster recovery plan consists of creating a Stand-by server at a disaster recovery (DR) Site to which virtual machines are restored on a routine basis. In the event of a disaster, the Stand-by server is readily available with the virtual machines. After the initial creation of virtual machines on the Stand-by server, incremental backups from the production site update only the new or changed blocks (DASH Copy) on the Stand-by server.

Recovering the Virtual Machine Data

To recover the virtual machine data to a host computer, perform the following tasks:

  1. Reinstalling the host computer's virtualization software. Refer to the virtual server software's documentation for step-by-step instructions.

  2. Recovering the Virtual Server for Microsoft Hyper-V

Disaster Recovery