Importing the Metadata to the Destination CommCell Environment


The metadata exported from the source CommCell environment can contain client computers and configurations. Import the metadata to the destination CommCell environment. However, before you can permanently migrate the metadata of the client computers from the source CommCell environment, temporarily migrate the metadata to the destination CommCell environment. You must register the client computers later to permanently migrate them.


  1. Log on to destination CommCell environment.

  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the destination_commserve_environment, and then click All Tasks > CommCell Migration > Import From Folder.

    The Import Wizard dialog box appears.

  3. On the Select Import Folder page, select one of the following import location options:

    • Use Local: Select this option to import metadata from a local path.

    • Use Network: Select this option to import metadata from a network location.

      1. Click User Name/Password.

        The Change User Account dialog box appears.

      2. Select the Use This Account check box, and then enter the following information:

      3. User Name: Enter the user name to access the network location.

      4. Password and Confirm Password: Enter the password for the user name.

      5. Click OK.

        The user name appears in the Impersonate User box.

  4. In Import Folder box, enter the path of the location that contains the metadata, or browse and select the location.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Select CommCell to Import page, select the source CommServe environment from which you want to import the metadata, and then click Next.

  7. On the MediaAgent Library Information page, complete the following steps:

    1. For the libraries that appear, from the Destination MediaAgent column, select the MediaAgent from the destination CommCell environment that you want to use to access the library for restore operations.

      By default, Destination MediaAgent is set to Not Accessible. Use the Not Accessible option in the following cases:

      • You do not want to perform any restore operations on the migrated client computers.

      • You want to permanently migrate the MediaAgents that have access to the library that you are migrating.

    2. From the Select MediaAgent for Index Restore list, select the MediaAgent from the destination CommCell environment that stores the index of the migrated library in the index cache folder.

      The index is useful to perform restore operations.

    3. To edit the mount path location, click Edit Location.


      Move mount path is not supported on migrated libraries. We recommend that you use auxiliary copy to copy data from the migrated mounth paths to the new paths/storage.

      The Edit Location dialog box appears. Enter the network path of the source library location if needed. For information about the options in the dialog box, see Device Controller Details.


      If you configured credentials for the mount path of the source library using the Store Account Information with Credential Manager, then the credentials are migrated automatically. However, the password of the credential is not migrated. You must update the password for each migrated credential. For instructions, see Updating Account Information for a Credential in Credential Manager.

      • If you selected the Destination MediaAgent, then the migrated credentials are automatically associated with their corresponding mount paths.

      • If you did not select the Destination MediaAgent, then you can select the MediaAgent later when performing the library mapping. The migrated credentials are not automatically associated with their corresponding mount paths. You must select the credential for each mount path. For instructions, see Share a Mount Path.

    4. Click Next.

  8. On the Import Options page, select the import options, and then click Next.

    For more information, see CommCell Migration - Online Help.

  9. On the Import Options page, unless you are certain that the default settings are not correct for your environment, leave the default settings, and then click Next.

    The default settings are correct for most environments.

    For more information, see CommCell Migration - Online Help.

  10. On the Import job Initiation page, specify whether to run the import job immediately or on a schedule.

  11. Click Finish.

    You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller window of the CommCell Console.


The imported client computers appear under a new client computer group with the name source_commserve_environment_clients. The client group created in the destination CommCell environment. The storage policies and the libraries for the migrated client computers are created with the name CCM_entity.

What to Do Next

  • To complete the migration of the client computers and to make the clients available for operations, you must register them in the destination CommCell environment.

    For instructions, see Registering the Migrated Client Computers.

  • The passwords of client computers and passwords of credentials of storage, applications and any CommCell entities are not migrated. You must enter the passwords manually.

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