Installing UNIX Native Packages


Some UNIX environments are run by native package managers, such as the RPM package manager. To install the Commvault software in this type of environment, the custom package must be created with the necessary native packages.

Use this procedure to install UNIX native packages that were distributed with the custom package. By default, native packagers are installed in silent mode.


Commvault cannot run a Debian package (.deb file) that was created using the repropro tool. You must use another tool to create the Debian package.

Before You Begin

  • Obtain the custom package from the location specified by the user who created it.

    If the package is in the Download Center, see Downloading a Software Package in Download Center - Web Console.

  • Based on the agents that are included in the custom package, verify that the computer on which you want to install the package satisfies the minimum requirements specified in System Requirements.

  • Ensure that the /etc/hosts file on the computer has proper IP addresses for the hostname and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).


  1. Log on to the computer as root.

  2. Go to the location where you stored the custom package.

  3. To install the native package, you must access the appropriate subdirectory. Each type of native package has its own subdirectory.

    Suppose the custom package is located in the /opt/UnixCustomPackage directory. Use the following list to locate the appropriate subdirectory and to run the installation command as follows:

    • For the APT package, go to /opt/UnixCustomPackage/apt and run the .deb file. For example:

      dpkg -i  custom-linux-4811_11.0.0-BUILD52_all.deb
    • For the HP-UX package, go to the root directory and run the following command:

      swinstall -s /opt/UnixCustomPackage/sd-ux –x mount_all_filesystems=false \*
    • For the RPM package (for AIX or Linux computers), go to /opt/UnixCustomPackage/rpm and run the .rpm file. For example:

      rpm -i custom-Linux.Instance001.CVGxBase_CVGxBase0-11.0.0-
    • For the Solaris package, go to /opt/UnixCustomPackage/sol and run the .pkg file. For example:

      pkgadd -i  custom-solaris-10042.pkg


If you receive a message that the installation is not complete until you register the client with the CommServe server, the custom package was configured to install the software in decoupled mode. In a decoupled installation, the client does not establish connections with the CommServe server. Therefore, you must register the client to complete the installation.

Postinstallation Tasks

If the client was not registered during the installation, use one of the following methods to register the client:

If you plan to update clients where you installed the RPM package, you need to recreate the package using the latest installation media. For more information, see Installing the Service Pack on RPM Package Clients.