Instant Clones from the Commvault Hybrid File Store


For Oracle databases, you can run forever incremental backups that are stored in the Commvault Hybrid File Store. The Commvault software uses the Oracle incremental merge feature to create the backups. You can use these backups to automate the creation of instant clones for DevOps automation requirements. You can use the Oracle image copy feature to create a snapshot of an Oracle database without having to create the snapshot on the primary storage.

Instant clones support the following key features:

  • You can automatically back up databases and archive logs by using policies that are developed to meet your recovery point objectives.

  • You can create instant clones (live mounts) of an Oracle database for a specified point in time and automate the lifecycle of the instant clones.

You can use this feature in the following cases:

  • When the primary database storage resides on volumes that cannot be snapped.

  • When you want to use the Commvault disk library for the image copy backups.

The Oracle image copy feature does the following:

  • Protects any database, regardless of the primary storage type or server type (physical or virtual machine)

  • Creates backups in the native format, which means that you can rapidly recover the data

  • Does not force you to place the database in hot backup mode

When you use this feature, the Commvault software uses RMAN to back up the incremental database changes to an image copy volume that can be snapped, and then takes a snapshot of the volume. The volume is stored in the Hybrid File Store.

You can use the following steps to configure the Hybrid File Store for Oracle Instant Clones, to schedule backup operations, and to create Instant Clones:

  1. Set up the configuration to use the Hybrid File Store.

    1. Configure the Hybrid File Store if it is not set up. For more information, see Getting Started with Hybrid File Store.

    2. To allow access to the Hybrid File Store share, mount the share on the Oracle client.

    3. Configure an Oracle subclient to make RMAN image copies followed by IntelliSnap. For more information, see Configuring Oracle Subclients That Use Image Copy to the Hybrid File Store Followed by IntelliSnap.

  2. Schedule the Oracle backups.

  3. Create Instant Clones from the IntelliSnap backups.

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