Media Management Configuration: CommCell Migration


Use the following parameters to establish CommCell migration parameters.



Allow CCM merge for clients with same host name and CVD port

Definition: Specifies that import of a client fails if its hostname and CVD Port matches any of the existing clients in the CommCell.

Default Value: 0

Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Usage: Set the value for this parameter to 1 to allow import of clients that have the hostname and CVD Port matching any of the existing clients in the CommCell.

Deny access to this Commcell's Commserv database during commcell registration

Definition: Use this parameter to skip sharing of the CommServe SQL database credentials with registered CommCells.

Default Value: 0

Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Usage: For security reasons, you can set value as 1 to skip sharing of the CommServe SQL database credentials.

Do not export user credentials for libraries

Definition: Specifies the export of user credentials of mount paths in libraries during CommCell export

Default Value: 0

Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Usage: Set the value for this parameter to 1 to not export the user credentials of the mount paths in the libraries during the CommCell export.

Do not fail migration for client GUID conflict

Definition: During CommCell Migration (CCM) operation, this parameter marks the import job as failed when the client GUID conflict error is encountered.

Default Value: 0


0 - marks the import job as failed when client GUID conflict error is encountered during CCM import.

1 - skips client GUID conflict error and continues the import job without any error message. This value overrides the destination client with the source client.

Fail Commcell Migration for Unsupported applications

Definition: Specifies that CommCell Migration will fail if unsupported applications are found during migration operations.

Default Value: 1

Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Usage: Microsoft Windows File System, Unix File System, OnePass for Windows and Unix, Laptop Backup for Linux and Windows support CommCell Migration. If this parameter is enabled (default), any migration involving unsupported application will fail. If this parameter is disabled, the migration will process only supported applications.

Fail Commcell Migration if Subclient to export is deleted before export completes

Definition: Specifies that CommCell Migration will fail if subclients (backupsets, instances or clients) selected for export job was not available when export job was initiated.

Default Value: 1

Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Usage: If the value is set to 0 then the export job will succeed even though the specified subclients (backupsets, instances or clients) are no longer available.

In CCM use destination schedule policy with same name in source

Definition: Specifies that the Schedule Policy is not migrated when a schedule policy exists on the source CommCell with the same name as the destination CommCell.

Specifies that if the schedule policy on the source CommCell exists with same name on the destination CommCell, then that schedule policy is not migrated.

Default Value: 0

Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Usage: By default, during CommCell migration, the source CommCell schedule policy gets migrated to destination CommCell with source CommCell name as prefix. If there are schedule policies (for example, system generated schedule policies) with the same name on source and destination CommCell, then enabling this parameter does not allow you to migrate those schedule policies to destination CommCell.

Maximum number of days to continue GRC export with no consumption

Definition: Specifies the number of days to generate the database dump file when merge is not happening during GRC export job

Default Value: 30 days

Range: 1 to 180

Usage: During export job of GRC, if the merge doesn't happen then the database dump file generation can be limited based on the number days in this parameter. This parameter is useful to manage the database dump files generation and maintain disk space.

Generation of the database dump file will be stopped automatically when the number of generation days during the merge not happening exceeds the value specified in this parameter.

Maximum number of Exported (CCM) Dump sets to be retained in any dump location

Definition: Specifies the number of dump sets (which contain the Disaster Recovery backup files) to be retained in any dump location.

Default Value: 10

Range: 1 to 9999

Usage: Used to maintain disk space used for CommCell Migration (CCM)

Migrate the subclients having no jobs for GRC

Definition: For GRC, use this parameter to migrate the subclients that has no backup jobs.

Default Value: 0

Range: For a selected client or backupset, value

0 - imports all the subclients that has at least one backup job.

1 - imports all the subclients that has no backup jobs.

Number of Subclients to be stored in a single dump file (exported by CCM)

Definition: Specifies the number of subclients in each dump file.

Default Value: 50

Range: 1 to 100

Usage: Used to manage the size of the dump file generated by a CommCell Migration Export job.

Remove Split CSDB Configuration

Definition: Allows you to enable or disable remote CommServe instance configuration during CommCell Migration export operations.

Default Value: 1 (enabled)

Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Usage: By default, during CommCell migration export operation, you will not be able to perform export from remote CommServe database instance. If the CommServe database instance resides on a remote machine, then you can use this parameter to configure that instance.

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