Modifying the Look and Feel of the CommCell Console
You can change the look and feel of the CommCell Console.
For User Preferences to take effect, the user must log off and log back on to the CommCell Console.
Change the Default Time Zone
To change the time zone:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click User Preferences.
On the Date and Time formats tab, select the time zone to use in the CommCell Console.
Change the Default Date and Time Formats
To change the date and time formats:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click User Preferences.
On the Date and Time formats tab, select the date and time formats to use in the CommCell Console.
For example, the format you select for the short time is used when you create a rule for the operations window.
Select an Interface Style
To select a CommCell Console windows style:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the View tab, select the desired layout.
Change the Default User Preferences Display
To navigate to User Preferences:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click User Preferences.
On the General tab, select Use this browser to open HTML files to open HTML files.
Use the lookup button to select the browser.
Select Display Floating Restore Progress Bar on Submission of Restore Job to view progress bar.
Click OK to save your changes.
Select the Default Windows to Display Upon Login
To select the default CommCell windows to display when you log on:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click User Preferences.
On the General tab, select the appropriate options to save your settings:
To keep the last tab opened in the tool bar menu, click Save Ribbon State.
To save the table preferences for the tables in the following windows, click the Save Table Preferences option:
Admin Job History
Backup Job History
Event Viewer
Job Controller
Restore Job History
Click OK to save your changes.
The CommCell Console will remember the window display preferences used on your next log off and retain those preferences for your subsequent log on.
Add or Remove Tool Bars
To add or remove toolbars:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the View tab, select Tasks or Status Bar to enable or disable the option. A check mark appears next to the option when it is enabled.
When you close the CommCell Console, your preferences are saved.
Change Job Controller Display
To change the default display for the Job Controller window:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click User Preferences.
On the Jobs tab, enter the time in seconds for job retention in the Retention Time (Secs) box.
Click OK to save your changes.
Change Event Viewer Display
To change the default display for the Event Viewer window:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click User Preferences.
On the Event Filter tab, select the severity levels that you want to see in the Event Viewer.
Type the maximum number of events to be displayed in the Event Viewer (Default = 200).
Click OK to save your changes.
Change Table Views
To change the table views in windows, for example, in the Job Controller window:
From a window in the CommCell Console, right-click any column in the window.
The available options for the column are displayed.
Select or deselect the parameters you want presented in the window.
When you close the CommCell Console, your preferences are saved. To save your preferences without closing the CommCell Console, in the bottom right of the console, on the status bar, click the Save User Preferences icon.
Save Table Views
To save the table preferences for the tables in the following windows:
Admin Job History
Backup Job History
Event Viewer
Job Controller
Restore Job History
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click User Preferences.
Click Save Table Preferences.
Click OK.
Change the Default Font Size
To change the default font size for the CommCell Console windows:
From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click User Preferences.
On the General tab, from the Font size list, select a font size.
You can view the font size view below the Font size option.
Click OK to save your changes.
You must restart the CommCell Console for the font size change to take effect.