Move Contents of Media from One Tape to Another


You can move the contents of a tape to another tape available in the same library. You can also move the contents of a tape in a library to a tape in another library when the same MediaAgent hosts the drive controllers for the two libraries.

To perform this operation, the destination library should contain at least one new scratch media to which the contents can be moved. After the move, the source tape media is marked as scratch media and moved to scratch pool, and the destination tape media is marked as full.


  • Tape to tape copy operation is supported only for physical tape libraries. But, file server attached tape libraries are not supported for this tape copy operation.

  • If hardware encryption is supported by both the source tape drive and the destination tape drive, then the data moved to the destination tape drive is encrypted with hardware encryption. But, if hardware encryption is supported only by the source tape library and not supported by the destination tape library, then the tape to tape copy operation fails.

  • If hardware compression is supported by the destination tape drive, then the data moved to the destination tape drive is compressed.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources > Libraries > library > Media By Groups > Assigned Media, right-click the appropriate media, point to Options, and then click Tape to Tape Copy.

    The Tape to Tape Copy dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Select a Destination MediaAgent: Select a MediaAgent.

    • Select a Destination SpareGroup: Select a spare group.

    • Select a Destination Media: Select a destination spare media.

      Note: The list does not show incompatible tape media, media with insufficient capacity and aged media.

  3. Click OK.

    You can track the progress of the tape to tape copy job from the Job Controller.

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