Opening the CommCell Console with a JAR File


You can access the CommCell Console remotely from any computer using a netx.jar bootstrap JAR file.

When you open the netx.jar file, the additional JAR files that are needed to open the CommCell Console are downloaded from the CommServe host computer that you specify. The downloaded JAR files are stored in the C:\Users\user_name\Commcell_Console folder.

Each time you log on, the version of the JAR files in the C:\Users\user_name\Commcell_Console folder are compared to the version of the JAR files that are present on CommServe host computer. If the files do not match, then updated JAR files are downloaded from the CommServe host computer.

Before You Begin

  • Install the CommCell Console on the Web Console or Web Server computer. The CommServe computer and the Web Console or the Web Server must be accessible to computers that open the CommCell Console with the netx.jar file. For information about installing the CommCell Console, see Installing the CommCell Console.

  • Obtain the netx.jar file using one of the following ways:

    • Download the netx.jar file from the Commvault Store.

      The netx.jar file in the Commvault Store has latest updates. Therefore, you must prefer to download the most recent version of the netx.jar file from the Commvault Store.

    • Obtain the netx.jar file from the software_installation_directory/GUI folder of any CommCell Console installation. You can copy the file to any desired location or create a shortcut to the file. Also, distribute the file to users who need remote access to a CommCell Console.

    • Open your web browser, and type the following url to download the netx.jar file.

      https://hostname:port*/console/netx.jar**, where *hostname is the Web Server host name and port is the Web Server port number.


      You must specify the port number when the Web Server is using a port other than 80.

  • Verify that the remote computer that you log on using the netx.jar file has Java 11 (Oracle, AdoptJDK, or OpenJDK) installed.


  1. If Oracle Java is installed on your computer, go to software_installation_directory/GUI or to the folder where you copied the netx.jar file, and then double-click the netx.jar file.

    Otherwise, on the command line, go to software_installation_directory/GUI, and then type the following command:

    java –jar netx.jar

    The Connect to CommServe window window appears.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Host Name: Enter the CommServe host name. If the CommServe uses a non-standard port, then enter both the host name and the port in the format of hostname:port.

      If you previously accessed the Commcell Console, the list of previous host names appear with the last hostname selected by default.

    • Remember and connect automatically: To allow the software to remember the host name, the port number, and the secure connection information and to connect you automatically when you access the netx.jar file, select this option.

  3. Click OK.

    The Connect to CommCell window appears.

  4. Do any one of the following:

    • To log on with basic authentication, do the following:

      1. In the User Name or Email box, enter the user name or the email address associated with your CommCell account.

      2. In the Password box, enter the password for your CommCell account.

      3. In the CommCell box, enter the name of the CommCell environment that you want to connect to.

      4. Click OK.

  5. To log on with a browser when modern authentication protocol (such as SAML or Okta) is configured in your CommCell environment, do the following:

    1. In the CommCell box, enter the name of the CommCell environment that you want to connect to.

    2. Click Login with command center.

      The login page for the Command Center appears in a browser. If there is an active login session, the browser automatically signs you in.

    3. In the User Name or Email box, enter the user name or the email address associated with your CommCell account, and then click Continue.

    4. In the Password box, enter the password for your CommCell account.

      If additional authentication options (such as PIN or security key) appear, follow the instructions.

    The CommCell Console appears.


The information that you enter is saved in the C:\Users\user_name\Commcell_Console\ file. The next time when you access the CommCell Console with the netx.jar file, the information automatically appears. The list of CommCell environments that you accessed earlier is saved in the C:\Users\user_name\.Commcell\CommcellList file.

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