Oracle IntelliSnap - Backup Copy


A backup copy operation provides the capability to copy snapshots of the data to any media. It is useful for creating additional standby copies of data and can be performed during the IntelliSnap backup or at a later time.

The IntelliSnap backup copy operation supports the following interfaces:

  • File System backup copy

  • RMAN backup copy

  • Volume copy

You can choose the interface based on your requirements and resource availability.

You can perform the same type of restores for all types of backup copies.

For more information about backup copies, see Create a Backup Copy from a Hardware Snapshot.


If you want to use the Oracle RMAN backup copy option by using a proxy server, you must contact Oracle for their required licensing.

File System Backup Copy

A File System backup copy cannot use ASM devices; therefore, an RMAN image copy is made to a non-ASM disk that can be snapped.

The Commvault software does the following things:

  • Classifies the job type as FULL

  • Mounts the snapshots

  • Clones the snapshot device and creates the volume group and logical volumes to mount the snapshot

  • Queries the index that is created by the snapshot to identify files to back up to a tape library or a magnetic library, and generates a collect file for the backup copy

  • Backs up the files to either a tape library or a magnetic library

  • Unmounts the snapshot

  • Archives the index that is created for the backup copy operations

RMAN Backup Copy

You can use this backup copy method when Oracle is configured with ASM disks. You don’t have to use a proxy server for ASM IntelliSnap copies, but you can use a proxy server if you want to offload the backup copy operation from the production host.

Backup Copy on the Source Client

If you make a backup copy from the source client you can only make a full backup copy. You cannot make incremental backup copies. This is because the system can only attach the snapped ASM disk group backup as a tertiary copy and then use RMAN to copy all the data files as offline backup copies.

The Commvault software uses the "backup datafilecopy" command after the cataloging of all the datafiles. For archive logs, the Commvault software backs up the logs to the snap mount location by using the "backup archivelog to /path_to_archive_log/archivelogs" command.

Backup Copy on a Proxy Server

If you use a proxy server to make a backup copy you can do the following:

  • You can run incremental snapshot copies, since on a proxy server the system has the ability to mount the instance. You can also make full backup copies. This works the same way on-premises or in a cloud environment, regardless of the array type.

  • For an Oracle database using Azure Managed Disks you must update the Active Directory and include an Oracle proxy server for the backup copy operation.

The Commvault software mounts the data snapshot in the same location on the proxy server and uses the standard “backup database” command while it is connected to a recovery catalog. For archive logs, the Commvault software backs up the logs to the snap mount location by using the "backup archivelog to /path_to_archive_log/archivelogs" command.

Volume Copy

A volume copy cannot use ASM devices; therefore, an RMAN image copy is made to a non-ASM disk that can be snapped. The system then uses the block-level backup method to make backup copies.

A volume copy is the only type of backup copy that can use the block-level backup method. You can make the following backups:

  • Full backups - The Commvault software backs up the blocks that make up the snapped volume.

  • Incremental backups - The Commvault software backs up the blocks that have changed since the last backup.

For more information about block-level backup copies, see Block-Level Backups.


To be able to perform granular restores, use disk libraries for block-level backup operations since these backups use random reads, which are not suitable for tape libraries.

SP File Considerations

If you did not include the SP file in the subclient content (Subclient Properties dialog box, Content tab, Back up SP file check box), the software does not back up the SP file in a backup copy operation and the proxy server instance starts by using the SP file that is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory (UNIX) or %ORACLE_HOME%\database folder (Windows).