Oracle Subclient Configuration


Subclients contain the information about what Oracle data is backed up.

When you create an Oracle database instance, a default subclient that includes the entire database and log and control files is automatically created.

If a new database object is added to the database, and if none of the subclients contain that database object, then that object is automatically assigned to the content of the default subclient.

You can use the CommCell Console or the Commvault Command Line Interface to create separate subclients for each unique data set and log files. Use the following criteria when determining the unique data sets:

  • The data content you want to back up and how you need to restore the data (for example, all tables or a subset of tables)

  • The database state when you perform backups

  • The required schedule for the data


IntelliSnap is not supported for subclients with the Online Subset property enabled.

When you perform an IntelliSnap backup, the software creates a backup copy.

Use a proxy server when you want to reduce the load on the production server. The proxy server also moves the snap to the backup media.


If you want to use the Oracle RMAN backup copy option by using a proxy server, you must contact Oracle for their required licensing.

If you want to create a subclient for the Oracle Copy Data Management feature, you must select the Backup Copy Interface based on the snap engine. For more information, see Configuring Oracle Subclients That Use Image Copy Followed by IntelliSnap.


To ensure that the snapshot reflects the backup details in the schema, after you connect to the catalog, run a traditional full backup on the IntelliSnap subclient. For information on how to perform the backup, see Performing an Oracle Full Backup.

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