Planning for the Solaris IPS Package Creation


Before you run the Solaris IPS Packager, you must collect the information that is required during the IPS package creation.

Use the following checklist before creating the IPS package. Record the information so you can refer to it during the package creation.

Select a Commvault instance

Select an instance to be used by the package during installation. The instance must already exist in your CommCell environment, because the package does not allow the creation of new instances during installation. In addition, the instance that you select should not be already installed on the clients where the package will be installed.

Determine the IPS package repository

Collect the name and URL of the repository where you plan to host the package. You can use a File System or HTTP repository.

  • If you are using a remote HTTP repository, on the remote host, run the following command:

    svccfg -s application/pgk/server setprop pkg/readonly=false

    The command ensures that the repository is not set to read-only.

  • If you do not have a repository ready, you can create a repository during the creation of the package.

    • For a File System repository, select a directory for hosting the repository and record its path. The directory must be local directory or an NFS share with at least 1.15 GB of free space available.

    • For an HTTP repository, select a subdirectory under rpool/export, a port number, and a publisher name.

Determine the installation directory

By default, during the package installation, the software is installed under /opt. You can configure the package to install the software on a different directory.

Determine the IPS staging directory

By default, during the package creation, Commvault binaries are staged under /opt.

You can stage the binaries on a different directory, but it must be a local directory or an NFS share with at least 1 GB of free space.

Gather installation data for CommCell options

During the package creation, the Solaris IPS Packager requests information related to the CommCell environment, which includes the following items:

  • CommServe name

    Note: If you want users to specify the CommServe name during installation, configure the package to install the software in decoupled mode.

  • Firewall services

  • Log directory

  • UNIX group and permissions

  • Client groups

  • Subclient and storage policy

    For more information on the above items, see the Gather Installation Data section in Preinstallation Checklist for the File System Agent (UNIX, Linux, or Macintosh).