Preinstall Commvault as a Software Image


In cases where you want to install the Commvault software on computers that will be distributed to different organizations or CommCell environments, you can preinstall the Commvault software as a software image. This operation does not involve any communication with a CommServe computer.

This is useful in the following scenarios:

  • You are a computer vendor.

  • You have a CommCell environment that is managed by one or more CommServe computers.

After the software is preinstalled, you can distribute the computers to the respective organizations or CommCell environments. When received, users can register the computers at any time.

Process Flow

  1. Set Up Computers at the Factory

    The administrator, or a designated user, must preinstall the software on the computers, and then distribute the computers.

  2. Register the Clients

    Upon receipt, the user can perform the registration with the CommServe computer.

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