Prerequisites for Installations Using the CommCell Console


Before you perform a remote installation, review the following prerequisites.

Download the Software

To perform remote installations, the Commvault software must be available in the CommServe cache directory. Note the following:

  • If the CommServe computer has Internet connectivity, no action is required. The Commvault software is automatically downloaded to the CommServe cache as part of the installation job.

  • If the CommServe computer has Internet connectivity with restrictions, or if there is no internet connectivity, you can adjust the download settings in the CommCell Console. For more information, see Configure Download Settings in the CommCell Console.

  • If the CommServe computer does not have internet connectivity, and the download settings do not satisfy your requirements, create a new installation package with all the software needed by your organization, and then copy the package to the CommServe cache. For instructions, see the download software procedures for Windows or UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh computers.

Verify User Permissions

  • To perform remote installations, you must be a CommCell user with the proper set of permissions, as follows:

    • To install on existing clients, you must have Install Package/Update permissions on the clients where the software will be installed.

    • To install on new clients, you must have Install Client permissions at the CommCell level.

    • To install on the CommServe computer, you must have Administrative Management permissions at the CommCell level. Do not add non-administrators to an administrative user group.

    For information on assigning user permissions, see Associating Entities and Roles to a User.

  • To install the software on a Windows computer, you must be a member of the Administrator group on that computer.

  • On UNIX client computers, SSH must be enabled, and the PermitRootLogins entry in the sshd_config file must be set to yes.

  • If the Authentication for Agent Installs feature is enabled, you must have Install Client permissions at the CommCell level.

Review Considerations for Client Computers

  • For installations on Windows computers, you must configure the following settings:

    1. The Remote Registry service must be enabled and configured to automatically start during the computer startup.

    2. The Administrative Share must be enabled on the client.

  • For installations on UNIX computers that reside in a PowerBrokerTM environment, you must configure the settings described in Configuring PowerBroker Environments for Installations Using the CommCell Console.

  • For installations on EDC Discovered clients or virtual machines, you must configure the CommCell Browser to display these type of clients by completing the following steps:

    1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Control Panel, and then click User Preferences.

    2. In the User Preferences dialog box, click the Client Computer Filter tab, and then select the check boxes corresponding to EDC clients or virtual machines.

  • Adding an admin user to the local Administrator group will not allow remote WMI access. To allow remote WMI access for an admin user, complete the following steps:


    This procedure was tested in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

    1. Add the user to the Performance Monitor Users group.

    2. Add the user to the DCOM Users group.

    3. Run wmimgmt.msc.

      The wmimgmt window appears.

    4. Right-click WMI Control and then click Properties.

      The WMI Control Properties dialog box appears.

    5. On the Security tab, select Root > CIMV2 and then click Security.

      The Security for ROOT/CIMV2 dialog box appears.

    6. Add Performance Monitor Users and then allow the following options: Enable Account and Remote Enable.

    7. Click OK.

Review Firewall and Network Port Requirements

If you are installing the software on existing clients, you do not need to open additional network ports.

For new clients, you must temporarily open certain network ports to install the software remotely from the CommCell Console.


All of the network ports listed in this section are inbound ports.

  • For UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh computers, enable SSH (Secure Shell), and then open port 22.

  • For Windows computers, do the following:

    • Open Port 135 for DCOM (Distributed Component Model).

    • Open Port 139 for NetBIOS Session Service (if you are using legacy Windows computers, such as Windows NT or earlier versions).

    • Open Port 445 for SMB (Server Message Block) file sharing.

    • Open the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) port. For instructions on setting up a fixed port for WMI, see Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI on the Microsoft website.

    • Important: If Windows Firewall is enabled on the computer, do one of the following:

      • Temporarily open the following ports in Windows Firewall:

        - Port 135 for DCOM-In (COM + Network Access)

        - Port 445 for SMB

        - WMI port

      • Set up a remote cache in the network where the computer resides.

    • Important: For a Windows 10 computer, if Windows Defender Firewall is enabled on the computer, open Port 135 for DCOM-In (COM + Network Access) and Port 445 for SMB in Windows Defender Firewall, and then do one of the following:

      • Enable the Windows Management Instrumentation rule (for Private, Public, and Domain) in the Inbound Rules of Windows Defender Firewall.

      • Enable the "Allow inbound remote administrator exception" in the Local Group Policy Editor (Local Group Policy Editor > Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Network > Network Connections > Windows Defender Firewall > Domain Profile > Allow inbound remote administrator exception).

Review Space Requirements for Client Computers

During the installation, the disk space used on the client computers might vary depending on the agents that you plan to install.

The following table displays the approximate disk space required to install or upgrade agents on Windows and UNIX client computers.


The space values provided in the table do not include the disk space used by the installation files that are copied to the client. Therefore, ensure that there is additional disk space available on the client.




File System Core (Laptop package)

500 MB

500 MB

File System Agent

1250 MB

1050 MB


1350 MB

1250 MB

Other Agents

1550 MB

1550 MB

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