qlist jobhistory



This command displays the backup job history of a given subclient. It displays job details such as job ID, status and the associated storage policy.

When more than one backup job is found, the jobs are listed one job per line in the command prompt. The system displays the message "No job history found" when no job history is found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "jobhistory: Error errorcode: errordescription"


qlist jobhistory [-cs <commserve_host_name>] -c <client> -a <iDataAgent> -i <instance> -b <backupset> -s <subclient> [-js <jobstatus>] [-st <start time>] [-et <end time>] [-dispJobTime <displays job time>] [-dispJobTimeUnix <displays unix time>] [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]



CommServe host name


Client computer name


iDataAgent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types).


Instance name


Backup set name


Subclient name


Filters the jobs by status. Valid values are:

  • Completed

  • Failed

  • Killed


Start time

The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].


End time

The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].


Displays the job start and end time


Displays the job start and end time in Unix time format


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Lists the backup job history of subclient subclient1 for a File System Agent:

E:\commandline>qlist jobhistory -c client1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS -b backupset1 -s subclient1
-----  ---------  ---------   ------------- 
160    Completed  subclient1  SP_12
 161    Completed  subclient1  SP_12

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